Wednesday, January 5, 2022

One year ago today. #January6th, #CoupDeTat, #StoptheSteal #TheBigLie #NPR


A year ago today, I was sitting here in front of the computer, a nice view of trees out of the window. I had the radio on to KUAR the Little Rock NPR affiliate to get some local weather and news when the radio interrupted the regular show. They cut to a clip from Washington about events at the Capital Rotunda. An attack on the Capital, that started with a “Stop the Steal Rally”. People were swarming the Capital from the rally. The President told his supporters to walk down the Capital. He said “I will be there with you”, but he wasn't.

NPR, January 6th.

I had been lulled into a calm state of mind, I thought the lies and law suits that all failed, were over. Just the Certificating of the electoral college vote was left. Boy howdy was I wrong! By that night the attack was over at the Capitol. I breathed a sigh of relief. Little did I know that the slide to a corrupted one party system was already being planed by Republican leadership in many of the state capitals around the country. The Big Lie Continues, NPR.

It has become clear that Democracy is not a product, it is a process.

Like Ben Franklin said after the Constitutional Convention. “A Republic, if You can keep it.”

Run for a local office, Democracy is not a spectator sport. Run for Something. Support local Candidates that support Democracy. Organize locally. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Tag, You’re it.

#January6th, #CoupDeTat, #StoptheSteal #TheBigLie #NPR

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