Showing posts with label EPA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EPA. Show all posts

Friday, April 9, 2021

Nuclear is not Clean or Green. Ten year since the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown disaster


Nuclear is not Clean or Green.

Nuclear Truth. Lairs for Hire.

Ten year since the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown disaster, and One year since the Deceleration of the Covid 19 Pandemic by WHO.

My Dad was in the Air Force in the World War Two time. He was trained as a paratrooper. He was one of the people that was to be part of the first wave of the assault on Japan. Because of the Bombs that never happened. It never happened because of the bombs, Little Boy and Fat Man. The first and so far only Nuclear Bombs used in a War on our planet.

After the war he was stationed in New Mexico, at Kirkland Air Force Base in Albuquerque. That was where he met my mother. Later He worked at the Sandia National Labs. His specialty was Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.

The Government would send him to other places sometimes. He worked at Los Alamos once in a while. It was only about seventy five miles away if you go through Santa Fe. Once in a while they would send him to Lawrence Livermore in California, but not very often. I remember when we would go to the airport, so that he could go to Area 51 or to the test range at Tonapah (Shishone Reservation) where they tested nuclear bombs in Nevada. That was in the days before the Government used to Lie about the existence of Area 51. I guess they had no reason to hide the truth back then, or it didn’t matter.

I know that he got Nuked in his work, but not sure where. His regular work was at Area 5 in the Sandia Labs. There was one of those lead glass windows that was like half of a foot thick and very yellow to stop the radiation in the test reactor. It was straight back from the entrance to the lab office. There were a couple of those mechanical arms with controls to move stuff around inside the radioactive area. It had Rows of those banks of magnetic tape type of memory machines, for the computers off to the right. There were four rows of those tape machines. There was a couple of those type of punch card machines sitting back to back to put new information into the computers. They were sitting between the reactor and the rows of tape memory machines. Most people did not understand how bad the dangers of nuclear contamination was back then.

We got to got to go there on family days at the laboratories. It seemed super cool to me back in the early Nineteen Sixties. There was a Rocket Sled out back of the area five laboratory. They would use it to test newly designed parts to see how they worked, or to see if it would stand enough G-Force. It was set on a thing like a train track and had a big long trough full of water out at the end to slow it down. There was a giant pile of sand out past the end, I guess to stop it if it didn’t slow down enough in the water trough.

I didn’t know at that time that my dad had been nuked. A friend of my dad that worked with him, in the laboratories had a son that was born with some serious deformities about that time. He was a pretty cool kid. They lived just down the street from us. I remember playing with him. He just walked real funny and his limbs were real short and not shaped right. It really scared my dad. My little sister had been born not long before that time. I used to bug my parents, and my mom. I would tell her that I wanted a little brother. I would tell my mom that its not fair that my big sister got a little sister. I didn’t understand why my dad didn’t want to have any more kids. So as a result, I never got to have a little brother.

I had a Physics Professor at UNM, named Charles Hyder, who was one of the members of Physicists against nuclear, and for social responsibility. I did not realize at that time that he was so opposed to Nuclear. He eventually did what was the longest protest and Fast on the Steps of the Capital Building in Washington DC.

The International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, in the middle of dealing with the Covid 19 Disasters have renewed their call for the end to Nuclear Weapons in any form. They consider Nuclear Weapons, and the possibility of the use of these weapons to be incredibly worse than this current disaster from this pandemic.

Most people do not know that the worst Nuclear disaster in the US was not Three Mile Island.

I was living in New Mexico at the time of the Tailings spill from the United Nuclear Corporation Church Rock uranium Mill Processing Plant. This poisoned the Rio Puerco River for over eighty miles. Polluted the water tables in the area, and contaminated the lands and the Navajo Nation all the way past the Arizona border. This was not far from where our current Secretary of the Interior is from, at Laguna Pueblo. They were not prepared for this kind of accident. The spill eventually contaminated the Navajo lands and other areas south and east of there and much farther.

There was some Government housing constructed in one of the smaller Laguna pueblos called Puyte in the Laguna area. The construction people did not realize how contaminated the area was. The amounts of radon were found to be so high latter after they were already built that the Government had them torn down.

There are many other places in New Mexico that are very contaminated. The whole area around the JackPile mine near Grants. Some of the older uranium digs that were from the World War Two time outside of Grants New Mexico. The area of Shiprock in the Four Corners. The messes from accidents or just normal operations at Los Alamos. The areas near Sandia Labs. Many places where mining was done to be removed to processing areas. Areas that were not productive enough to continue mining, but never cleaned up or never cleaned up properly. That is, if it is actually possibly to clean up uranium or other kind of radioactive material properly.

Fukushima. The Storage Facilities at the Fukushima reactors have run out of space for storage of nuclear contaminated water and Tepco is now getting ready to dump over flow contaminated Water from cooling the Reactors into the Pacific Ocean.

Sunday, January 24, 2021

On the issues of; Water and Power. The Biden Plan for climate.


On the issues of; Water and Power. The Biden Plan for climate.

Now more than ever it is clear that it is time for a continent wide water project. Droughts and floods are now an every month occurrence. A massive water and electricity project big enough to prevent floods or minimize their impact, big enough to move massive water to the west in times of drought, or to the east when needed for agriculture or industry. Integrated with Mini or Micro Hydro or larger to make Electricity to pump water to areas where it is dry.

As yet I have not seen anything in the Biden Plan to deal with the many situations that come from water and climate change. Both drought and floods are becoming much worse.

Water has become a bigger problem consistently over the last few decades. With the advent of climate change getting so much worse lately, the problems have started to increase exponentially. It is definitely looking like we have passed some serious tipping points in the feedback loops of global warming.

The development of a continent wide water and power generation system will be of great importance and indispensable, if we are going to remove enough carbon from the biosphere before it is to late.

There is no better place to store carbon than in the soil. The continued uses of industrial agriculture will only aggravate the problems. It has removed hundreds of billions of tonnes of carbon from the soils that were in stable forms, including fungus, plants, insects, and animals in an interconnected web of life that is of benefit to all. It purified the water and helped prevent flooding and erosion.

The chemical mono-culture systems of agribusiness are killing all of us. Our children now have more cancer and other medical maladies related to the production of food in the manner of warfare. Spraying billions of tonnes of Biocides continent and world wide.

We must create large constructed wetlands to purify water of agro-chemical  and industrial chemicals before it returns to the oceans

What is necessary in this situation to start with?

A starting proposal.

Water is dense energy and can accomplish multiple tasks, and remedy several situations; at the same time with the proper, planning and infrastructure.

  • Produce Energy; to move water, goods and people.

  • Remove carbon from the air, and store it back in the soil, with the help of plants.

  • Help prevent flooding and large scale damage to infrastructure, and peoples lives.

  • Store water in the ground and refill water tables.

  • Produce food, fodder and raw materials for the climate and infrastructure projects.

  • Clean water of toxins and contaminants as it goes through the systems.

Just as a consideration from some simple systems analyses. We can see that the cost of replacing all the damage done by recent weather disasters, it is worth investing in some long term strategy that will have multiple uses in preventing damages, and at the same time having benefits in the battle to stop much worse disasters from the ongoing global warming.

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Audacity of Hypocrisy.

So you desire the support of the Berners, Claire McCaskill, do this and we can talk. First there must be an admission that the primary was stolen from the Berners and from Senator Sanders in 2016 by the DNC and their agents.  California primary and the Nevada caucus among others  and outright removal of whole precincts from the voting rolls  , were vast disasters to our republic, C-span would be a good place to start since the regular media will not want to talk about this. Real Honesty and moral principles. Maybe the fixing of the primary was not such a good Idea.
Second you must come out in front of congress and start the discussion about the Voter disenfranchisement disaster that stole the general election ...the  Kris W. Kobach Interstate Crosscheck program that removed millions of legally registered voters from the rolls, under the guise of voter fraud. Anyone who voted on a provisional ballot almost certainly had their vote stolen or what is called spoiled by  the county clerks or Secretary of states.
Then we can talk about BIG dirty money in elections, both Dem and Republicans. Then we can talk about the support you would like from the Greenie progressives and the Berners for Progress​.
Hillary was just as much of a crook along with much of the DNC in the theft of the 2016 primary election, as the RNC and the Republican insiders are of the theft of the General Election 2016. It is still unlikely that the fraud that Trump says is real will be found. VP Mike Pence was investigated for voter suppression in Indiana.
While the DNC likes to play itself off as for the working people, they still are mostly corporate Dems who are beholden to big money. The DNC considered Bernie unelectable while the people and the progressive movements loved him.

Now the most dangerous team of Republican crooks in recent history along with President Lying Donald are running (DC) the district of criminals. And they are one of the Richest, and most beholden to Wall street and banking interests.

The Republicans scream about States rights,The Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) stating that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated to it by the United States Constitution. All remaining powers are reserved for the states or the people. But the republicans are working on forcing there agenda on the states. Immigration is Federal under article 1 section 8 clause 4 of the US Constitution. It is up to the Feds and congress to regulate immigration. Not up to the states to enforce, and definitely not the Cities to do this. There is no authority for the federal judiciary to redefine the meaning of words, like in the Citizens United  case; when money was defined as a form of free speech! There is no authority in the constitution for the federal government to force the cities or the states to do the jobs that are the responsibility of Congress to regulate. Nor is there authority to coerce local governments with threats, or by withholding funding.
Similar problems of so called states rights on issues like minimum wages, pollution control, coal mining or toxic waste, and Clean water or air.  

The Republicans Refused to have a vote on Merrick Garland , but now insist that Neil Gorsuch as Supreme Court justice must be voted on as soon as possible.
His past decision are terrible. Mostly against workers and regular people and in favor of corporations and banks. See his decision about the Hobby Lobby case for example.

The Republicans cry foul about being spied on for their corruption during the election or even before, but now they have passed legislation to sell your whole internet history.  No respect for the Fourth amendment. No respect for privacy unless it is theirs.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Tom Price is an American physician and Republican politician who is currently the newest  United States Secretary of Health and Human Services. A privatization advocate who says he thinks the for profit health industry can do health care for the people best. It is obvious that it is best for the profits of  Tom Price.

Scott Pruitt is now head of the EPA, who only a couple months ago said carbon emissions are not "a primary contributor" to global warming. Why would this guy be put in charge of the EPA after he sued the EPA 14 times. Maybe to protect his big money donors that do the polluting?

noun, plural audacities.
boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions.
effrontery or insolence; shameless boldness:
His questioner's audacity shocked the lecturer.
Usually, audacities. audacious or particularly bold or daring acts or statements.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

New year floods in Missouri, Illinois, and Congress still has no clue. Happy new year, Love and light and insight to all.

Elected and appointed officials are not likely to come up with a coherent or common sense long range plan to deal with the worsening issues of water on this continent. Some for lack of a real life perspective of the problem. Some influenced by large amounts of money from those that stand to profit from water, and the continuation of the political insanity in America.
 Any way we look at it, it is a giant problem. In 2015 terrible drought from Arkansas to the west coast, Massive floods from Texas to the east coast. 

Giant dams and water systems are not the answer, but a vast continent wide system of local and regional, small and medium water control systems to store, control, move, clean, and use this water, as well as produce electricity to move this water.

Using Hydrodynamic systems, Siphon systems, ram pumps, archimedes pumps,
Also we must refill our water tables. Agricultural systems like permaculture will help slow flooding, along with infiltration ponds and water storage and control systems to move water to the driest places at the time of great rains and floods. 

Micro-hydro Electric systems for pumping water and electricity.
Ram pumps, for moving water up hill. Refilling the water table of the whole continent is of paramount importance.

First to deal with the water problem we must end the destruction of our water, Fracking, tar sand extraction and so on. Agriculture in the style of war, glyphosate herbicide  also called roundup has many problems,  including binding minerals in the body making them unavailable in the process of turning good fats into hormones.   2,4-D which is half of the agent orange defoliant used in the Vietnam war and known to cause cancer.   Atrazine which is know to cause frogs to spontaneously change sex and to cause breast, uterine and testicular cancer, etc. Many are Biocides and, or  cause endocrine disruption, that are destroying our ocean and the health of our people and biosphere generally.  Industrial pollution and plastic going into the oceans. 

We must have
Many vast constructed wetlands on rivers and streams to remove nitrogen, phosphorus and other chemicals and things like plastic, etc, before this water gets to the oceans.

We must come up with a plan to capture as much of the Methane coming out of the permafrost and arctic ocean areas.

Reforestation of the continent from the west to the east. Prevailing wind is mostly from the west in North America in summer.  Trees are a great way to get water in the air and are an excellent way to suck carbon out of the atmosphere.

Regenerative and restorative agriculture systems. Not just sustainable agriculture.

For a great look at water issues world wide see the WaterWired blog.

Methane and the Climate Change Problem. Can We Capture and Use it, Moving Away from Fossil Fuels?

  Methane clathrates (Think of Dry Ice made from Methane) are common constituents of the shallow marine geosphere. Methane hydrate is a pr...