Imagine this;
We are at a time in history, the fork in the road. The road less traveled; the land of plenty for every one. Enough food, clean air and clean water, to recreate the planet as the Garden of Eden,
The other is to continue down the road that got us all to this point of environmental collapse. The economic system that creates immense great wealth for the few, and poverty for many worldwide; or causes the destruction of the natural world for production of many consumer goods, planed and designed to ware out soon. A process that Poisons the fish and the fungus. Destroys the great forests for profits. Poisons our children and the planet with cheep foods that are lacking nutrition, are addictive and destroy our health. An economic system that creates massive war machines and armies to assure the continuation of the economic system that destroyed or polluted so much of the natural world. Or.
Save The Climate. Stop subsidizing agrochemical agriculture and fossil fuel farming. We still have a little time to stop this climate disaster.
Choose this day, which path to follow. All that is at stake is the continuation of life on our planet.
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Sunday, January 24, 2021
On the issues of; Water and Power. The Biden Plan for climate.
On the issues of; Water and Power. The Biden Plan for climate.
Now more than ever it is clear that it is time for a continent wide water project. Droughts and floods are now an every month occurrence. A massive water and electricity project big enough to prevent floods or minimize their impact, big enough to move massive water to the west in times of drought, or to the east when needed for agriculture or industry. Integrated with Mini or Micro Hydro or larger to make Electricity to pump water to areas where it is dry.
As yet I have not seen anything in the Biden Plan to deal with the many situations that come from water and climate change. Both drought and floods are becoming much worse.
Water has become a bigger problem consistently over the last few decades. With the advent of climate change getting so much worse lately, the problems have started to increase exponentially. It is definitely looking like we have passed some serious tipping points in the feedback loops of global warming.
The development of a continent wide water and power generation system will be of great importance and indispensable, if we are going to remove enough carbon from the biosphere before it is to late.
There is no better place to store carbon than in the soil. The continued uses of industrial agriculture will only aggravate the problems. It has removed hundreds of billions of tonnes of carbon from the soils that were in stable forms, including fungus, plants, insects, and animals in an interconnected web of life that is of benefit to all. It purified the water and helped prevent flooding and erosion.
The chemical mono-culture systems of agribusiness are killing all of us. Our children now have more cancer and other medical maladies related to the production of food in the manner of warfare. Spraying billions of tonnes of Biocides continent and world wide.
We must create large constructed wetlands to purify water of agro-chemical and industrial chemicals before it returns to the oceans
What is necessary in this situation to start with?
A starting proposal.
Water is dense energy and can accomplish multiple tasks, and remedy several situations; at the same time with the proper, planning and infrastructure.
Produce Energy; to move water, goods and people.
Remove carbon from the air, and store it back in the soil, with the help of plants.
Help prevent flooding and large scale damage to infrastructure, and peoples lives.
Store water in the ground and refill water tables.
Produce food, fodder and raw materials for the climate and infrastructure projects.
Clean water of toxins and contaminants as it goes through the systems.
Just as a consideration from some simple systems analyses. We can see that the cost of replacing all the damage done by recent weather disasters, it is worth investing in some long term strategy that will have multiple uses in preventing damages, and at the same time having benefits in the battle to stop much worse disasters from the ongoing global warming.
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