Imagine this;
We are at a time in history, the fork in the road. The road less traveled; the land of plenty for every one. Enough food, clean air and clean water, to recreate the planet as the Garden of Eden,
The other is to continue down the road that got us all to this point of environmental collapse. The economic system that creates immense great wealth for the few, and poverty for many worldwide; or causes the destruction of the natural world for production of many consumer goods, planed and designed to ware out soon. A process that Poisons the fish and the fungus. Destroys the great forests for profits. Poisons our children and the planet with cheep foods that are lacking nutrition, are addictive and destroy our health. An economic system that creates massive war machines and armies to assure the continuation of the economic system that destroyed or polluted so much of the natural world. Or.
Save The Climate. Stop subsidizing agrochemical agriculture and fossil fuel farming. We still have a little time to stop this climate disaster.
Choose this day, which path to follow. All that is at stake is the continuation of life on our planet.
Saturday, February 4, 2023
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Treason, Dark Money & the Reversal of Roe. A Long season of Treason. Part One
Treason, Dark Money & the Reversal of Roe. A Long season of Treason.
I was Wondering how we got here?
Everyone's rights are at risk. The overturning of Roe v Wade is just the start. Then several more decision from the SCOTUS that were all over the map, or were they? Is the beginning of or a continuing agenda by the new conservative majority. A religious autocracy with a majority of one religious view overriding the Constitution.
Unless “We the People” stop it.
The First Amendment says;
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
It now looks like some of the Justices do not get what “no law respecting an establishment of religion” or the next part; or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
There is a fine line, a gray area between the two ideas. That is where most of the courts have made decisions from historically. Most people with any reasonable critical thinking skills would probably understand this gray area. It looks like we have crossed into something like a Theocracy. Half a dozen black robed priests. They say they know what the founding fathers of our nation were thinking at the time of the founding of our republic. A new cult called Original-ism, of Textual-ism. That's all we need is some more weird ISMS. A cult that has taken over the courts, that were put into power by an oligarchy of unlimited bribery. With many of the people who are dead set on ending the great experiment that is our constitutional republic. Ending any form of meaningful democratic participation by we the people.
Starting before the time of Richard Nixon there have been many instances of Leadership of the Republican party and the Corporations moving towards Fascism and now a form of corrupted corporatist fascism in America. Now it is looking as if the Republican party and much of the supreme court is owned Lock Stock and Barrel by the Corporatists. There was the attempted Coup d'etat by certain capitalists that tried to get the American General Smedley Butler, to over throw then President FDR during the great depression.
Our current situation is a result of a long string on abuses and usurpation, interconnected by greed, and or a lust for power by many elected and appointed officials and corporate leadership. This increased since the institution of the now discredited Neoliberal Economic Models. Neoliberalism ideology put the control of legitimate functions of government in the hands of the monopolistic corporations, banks, The Military Industrial complex, Drug companies and big pharmaceuticals conglomerates, Agribusiness, Fossil fuel; etc. This made for a vast expansion of corruption inside government. This ideology allowed a massive concentration of wealth beyond even the fortunes of the Robber Barron era.
The current Problem with an unbalanced Supreme Court really began with the Nixon Administration, and what President Johnson called Treason, that put Nixon in the White House.
Nixon's people
around the now infamous CREEP
and others, interfered with the Peace
Deal that was being negotiated by the President Johnson
administration with the Vietnam Leadership, to delay the end of the
war. Conspiring with a foreign power to help win the election. The
beginning of a long pattern of conspiring
with a foreign power to win the Presidency of the US government.
Totally ignoring the US Constitution and the important and legitimate
functions of the US government and its laws. By the way Nixon was not Prosecuted, but given a pardon by President Ford
This gave us the seed change in the Supreme Court, that began with Justice Powell being appointed by Nixon, and an attack on unions and the working class. Author of the Powell Memorandum, and who was a corporate lawyer for the US. Chamber of Commerce. In brief, the Powell Memo called for the Corporations to start funding and influencing elections to benefit candidates that were favorable to corporate interests, and to counter the influence of the labor unions. This put on steroids the greed, and deregulation of corporations that are now considered persons by Supreme Court Decisions, contrary to any kind of common sense or historical understanding. Corporations are not persons and Money is not Speech. This became the foundation of the recent notion that corporations main duty is to their share holders and not the common good of the community or society as a whole.
Near the end of the 1970s, the Islamic Revolution started in Iran. The Shah of Iran, who was widely perceived as a tyrant and American Puppet or western asset, was overthrown while out of the country. A number of Americans were taken hostage and held. The Carter Administration was negotiating for their release. There were allegations that the Reagan Champaign made a deal to delay the release of hostages until after the election, having the Iranian government keep the American hostages until the election was over. The hostages were released within minuets of the inauguration of Reagan. Then the October Surprise allegations went public.
Then there was the Ronald Reagan -Bush Administration and Iran-Contra.
Trading weapons, running drugs and guns to the Contras in Central America, and weapons to Iran.
Bush the elder was already party to the Treason with Iran that made him Vice President. After eight years of Reagan, George H. W. Bush became president. Then pardons were handed out by the Bush administration, while the investigations were still ongoing.
George H W Bush appointed two Supreme Court Justices. One of them, Clarence Thomas is still on the court writing decisions that look to be very bad for the future of constitutional, or other freedoms in America. This decision by SCOTUS must be at considered, at least in part a violation of the cruel and unusual clause of the #8th Amendment. Thomas is still considered the most Conservative on the court.
When Thomas was Confirmed by the senate, he spoke of Natural Law. According to natural law theory, all people have inherent rights, conferred not by act of legislation, but by the laws of nature and natures god, or by reason and common sense. Where has this notion gone in the reasoning of Justice Thomas?
Can now the state control women, and strip them of control of their own bodies? Put them in prison for having a miscarriage. Have health care denied to them, and abortion, or birth control if they have been raped?
The beginning of blending church and state with evangelical support during the Reagan time moved the non-separation of church and state, into common acceptance by the right wing.
Coming next; The Supreme steals the Presidential election.
Bush V Gore.
George W Bush and the Supreme Court that helped steal an election
AMENDMENT VIII Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Here is some entertainment to relax https://itsalmostspring.blogspot.com/
Monday, May 16, 2022
The tide has turned and spring is coming. End the Republican party.
There are not many people in the republican party that I would ever consider supporting, but here is one. Richard Painter is the former White House ethics lawyer from the first Bush Daddy Administration.
This is the first thing I noticed at the top of his campaign web sight. Really common sense for someone running as a GOP candidate. Where all I hear is the #BIGLIE stuff from regular rethuglican leadership
Farmers and
Small Businesses
Sounds like he is running for the green Party. Looks like the #Bernie campaign did have a good influence on people with morals and ethics.
I have not even thought about supporting a republican since the time back in the days when John McCain was running back in the nineties.
Too bad there are not a lot more of these type of old school Republicans who have some real morals or ethics willing to run. My moms family were almost all Democratic Party supporters. Both of my parents were old school republicans like this. My dad worked for the military industrial complex and my mom taught business and ran her own business. Their involvement in politics was almost all at the local level, back before the press was bought by hedge funds and giant corporation, and all the local papers and independent TV, and radio stations were swallowed up. So just a thought, either the GOP has to join the dust bin of history or there have to be more people like Richard Painter to run on the GOP tickets around the country. Well anyway that's just a thought for today. BB
Saturday, November 9, 2019
On the issues. Citizens United and the problem of money in the American political system. #MoneyoutofPolitics.
The problem of money in the American political system has brought us the current corrupted situation in Washington D.C. and the problems in our State Legislatures. The Federal Constitution never granted the authority of the Supreme Court to redefine the meaning of words.
Santa Clara V. Pacific Railroad was a fraud that held that railroad corporations are persons, has been taken to extremes today. Used as a cover for bribery and criminal actions by Corporations. Buying and selling politicians and laws.
Corporations are artificial entities created by licence from the state, not persons. It is the responsibility of the state to control the creations of the state.
Buckley v. Valeo which removed limits on campaign donations from corporations and equated money to speech, began the mud slide that ended with Citizen United in 2010.
Money is money, speech is speech.
If a corporation is a person (Which it is not ) and it can spend as much as it like to influence a particular political race, then it is above the equal protection clause as it relates to real persons. That is "We The People" who are limited to how much we are allowed to spend by the campaign laws. This is just a total royal perversion of the original intent of the founders of our Constitutional Republic.
Political office and elected or appointed officials are bought and sold, or beholden today to those that have donated to their champaign or their particular political parties. The usury banking and financial, insurance scam, including big pharma were the largest doners in the 2016 election cycle. Much of the political process has become a giant money laundering and bribery system to keep the same corrupted profits going to the same crooked political systems that created this mess we are in.
Money is not speech. Corporations are not persons. The Supreme Court has become the enemy of the state and the people. The Republic invisioned by the founders is at a turning point in the history of the United States. Choose well which side of history to stand on. History has judged other failed republics harshly.
Our republic and people are not artificial entities. Democracy is not a spectator sport, tag your it. The Representatives in Congress can not read your mind. The future of our families, and the people are depending on what happens in the next few days and weeks. movetoamend.org #MoneyoutofPolitics
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
The BigLieER President Donald Has attacked the EPA, Veterans, and DAPL and Keystone XXL are back on!!!
The attack on Vets, The attack and gag order on the EPA. An attack on free speech and the media and the free flow of real information. Attacks on immigrants and DACA. How soon will the next and upcoming attack on Net Neutrality be. In spite of Climate Reality, which the CIA and the Military intelligence say is the most dangerous threat to the planet and all life, Is it time for some alternative facts. Ok how about the arctic Methane problem. This is what could be the next extinction level event If this insanity is not stopped.
Be sure too Join or support the National Popular Vote movement, and help do away with the Electoral collage before the next election.
There are many other places to get News besides Faux Newz the fairly unbalanced gang. For those folks who voted for the trump clan and the Demopublicans who do not get it yet; here are some other places to get a different point of view and maybe some perspective on the potential biggest disaster at hand in a now proto Fascist white-house gang. This looks like it could be the BIGGEST mistake ever in the USA. Enough with the BigLieER stuff.
End this insanity.
This time it is for all the Marbles . We are playing a real and for keeps change for the Better.
Try some of these
face book Free Speech TV.
Link TV. Or https://www.facebook.com/linktv/
huffingtonpost.com/ or facebook.com/HuffingtonPost/
Thursday, June 9, 2016
The theft of an election, The Corporate Media is Crooked and Vile, and DNC is un-democratic!
From John Robinson
June 7, 2016. California. The Justice Gazette reporters and others are conducting an investigation into voting irregularities and the theft of Bernie Sanders's apparent California landslide victory by those supporting Hillary Clinton. According to popular actress Frances Fisher, a lawsuit is being prepared to require the counting of all the provisional ballots. If this lawsuit is successful, the actual vote count is expected to become known and Sanders will likely have a landslide victory in California.
It has been learned from poll workers that 50% to 90% of voters who were supposed to have been eligible to vote in the Democratic primary were told they would have to vote provisional ballots. There were two irregularities leading to the forced use of provisional ballots instead of regular ballots. The first was that previously registered voters' names had been removed from the rolls. The second was that someone (in most cases, not the voter) had marked them as vote by mail voters but they had received no ballot in the mail. Oddly, virtually all of those not allowed to vote and forced to vote provisional ballots were Bernie Sanders supporters.
The next oddity is even more curious. Poll workers in Los Angeles and Orange County report that Bernie won the electronic votes in their precincts by well over a 2 to 1 margin, the opposite of the result of the vote count. The contrast between this and the outcome is indicative of vote-flipping. Also the outcome.. outcome does not match what anyone who has conducted polling in this state knows: Below the election night video is a video about black box voting (Hacking Democracy) , The Democratic Party has essentially endorsed this video, showing it at various conventions and another video of a computer programmer confessing to creating a vote-flipping program.
justicegazette.org/ bernie-defraudedjusticegazette.org/ bernie-defrauded-in-ca
Apparently, there now exists proof millions of votes were dropped from Bernie Sanders candidacy which evidence is apparently being investigated by the FBI, who it is reported, say Bernie Sanders already has enough true votes to have won, and that is NOT Hillary's camp who are responsible for the fraud.
Also there is a Lawsuit to be filed against most media outlets for hiding exit polls to obfuscate the fix! A RICO investigation is being preformed by FBI. This news just broke 2 hours ago and of course the main stream media are not reporting it.
Going to court June 28th!
#bernthemedia #feelthebern
From Janice Owens Lewison
I knew all along that corruption was going on with California just like the other states. If you watch that documentary "Hacking Democracy", you will understand how easy it is to flip the votes.
Nobody is watching, nobody cares, and you should care. No matter what your party, no matter who your choice of candidates, you should care whether the elections are fair and square or if they are rigged. No matter what I just want honesty and integrity in our voting system
Karamy Renfrow
PETITION to the UN: "Repeated irregularities have occurred in the Democratic Primary, including purging of Senator Sanders supporters from the registry of democratic voters in many states including Arizona, California, New York and Pennsylvania, and including exit polls that show Sanders with a significantly higher percentage of votes than the results in a number of states, including Massachusetts, North Carolina, Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, Florida [& now New York]. Without full confidence that any investigation operated by an internal body of the US will be above corruption, we seek the submission of a request to the UN for an investigation into possible election suppression and election fraud in the continuing Democratic Primary."
#ElectionFraud #VoterSuppression #PurgedRegistrations #SwitchedRegistrations
Arizona Lawsuit on Primary, Sander's
Eric Gwawl
So many thousands of voters complaining in so many states and they can only say they saw no illegal action. Nevada was a Un-Democratic as possible. Voting for a decision a half hour before the delegates could enter?
Thousands complaining about incidents at the polls, ballots and now representation. Is there a Fascist Government already in place?
New York will hopefully bring in some fresh air as millions are sick and tired of this voter fraud.
Many supporters in California have helped in the effort of having a accurate Primary very much different than so many others.
QUOTE: Repeated irregularities have occurred in the Democratic Primary, including purging of Senator Sanders supporters from the registry of democratic voters in many states including Arizona, California, New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, and including exit polls that show Sanders as with a significantly higher percentage of votes than revealed by actual poll results in a number of states, including Massachusetts, North Carolina, Illinois, Ohio, Montana and Florida. Without full confidence that any investigation operated by an internal body of the US will be above corruption, we seek the submission of a request to the UN for an investigation into possible election suppression and election fraud in the continuing Democratic Primary.
UPP/ Move ON started March 23rd:
The New Unity Progressive Party is petitioning to get U.N. observers to investigate and report on the widespread allegations of voter fraud in the Democratic primaries.
From Jeff Weaver
There is NO other option than to re-do the Arizona vote. You have waited four years for this primary election, To have it denied to them because of ILLEGAL voter database tampering and incompetence on the part of those responsible to insure efficient, convenient, and reliable polling stations is NOT anywhere close to a valid excuse to insult voters further with a "well, we're sorry, but too bad for those who's votes weren't counted". Sue the State for a re-election. Demand a DOJ investigation. Get the FBI cyber crime unit as well. And the UN investigation. This MUST stop here. Find the source of this mess and hold them all criminally liable. Arizona, DO NOT TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER.. Too many brave fellow citizen's have given their lives for the right to vote. We cannot insult their memory by allowing this theft to go unresolved and uncorrected.
Arizona Secretary of State confirms Election Fraud!
anonymous investigations arizonas-voter-registration-database-hacked/
The numbers in Pima County and Maricopa are particularly glaring. Reports of five-inch thick piles of provisional ballots and up to 2/3 of ballots in a particular voting location in Pima are quite suspicious. Numbers Anonymous is using internally to monitor election results across the country suggest that Sanders should have won student rich, and reliably progressive Pima county comfortably. The lack of polling stations alone in Maricopa County cannot explain how Phoenix, with a Democratic Mayor, could see Republicans show up at the polls on election day to the tune of around 80,000 voters, while Democrats cast a paltry 33,000 votes in Maricopa County on election day.
At this point, Anonymous quite obviously does not have the required proof to point a finger at any particular person or campaign for the findings in our database and of our vulnerability scan. Non-conspiratorial alternative explanations may emerge for why perhaps tens of thousands of voters showed up to the polls expecting to be able to vote with the party they had registered with previously and were either denied or forced to vote provisionally. What is unmistakable, at this point, is that something went very badly wrong well beyond the lack of polling stations. The evidence does point to the possibility that something more malicious is happening.Did the Democratic Party commit Election Fraud in Puerto Rico?
Days before Hillary Clinton won the primary in Puerto Rico, the party reduced polling locations from 1,510 to 432.
Just Google vote election fraud!
Monday, April 1, 2013
The problem is the solution. Real food for real health.
As long as we continue to allow the giant agro-industrial food giants to pollute the food chain with GMOs and petrochemical pesticide production, and destroy the environment and the water tables in America and the world we will continue to have the destruction of the health and well being of the people of our country everyone else on our little planet. The production of food like products are the cause of most of the health problems in America today, and will continue to be so until the Giant food producers end this practice, or the government stops them. Or should we call them food polluters? If you want to call the toxic stuff produced by the giant food conglomerates food. Obama care (The affordable care act ) has still to address the issues of providing natural health care to all the people who do not use drugs and surgery to maintain health and wholeness in a natural or organic method. Just google dangers of GMO foods and see what you can find on your own if you do not believe this. Cheaper does not mean better
If the problem is health care then how about some care for the environment and the production of real food Mr Obama. I dare you to stand up to the giant agro polluters. provide some real health car to our people.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
What is the Function of real health (not sick) care.
It is time for a return to a return to real health care including, Naturopathy, homeopathy and oriental forms of healing, or herbal healing ,and nutritional counseling for keeping people healthy. Putting poison in the environment and on our food, or in our body to cure disease is still crazy. These toxins in our food, and our biosphere are at the root of most of the problem.
Many GMO foods alter organ function Soy, BT corn and other GMO foods are allergy causing, and can even change DNA in people who eat them. GMOs have many worse side effect than are covered by the regular corporate press, and these are not actually side effects, but direct effects. GMOs have been outlawed, or at the least must be labled in many countries outside the US. This is one gun that can not be unshot, GMOs can and do grow and replicate on there own and pollute the gene pool of our world.
GMOs are a Ticking time bomb, the paradigm is wired backwards. If we are going to promote health care in the US we must promote health care and not sick care, and this must start with clean air, water and food. Drugs and chemicals will not cure the problem, they are at the root of our problem with healthcare in the US.
So, what is the remedy to a situation like this we find ourselves in today? There are Better ways to keep people and our environment healthy without the use of toxic chemicals, or GMOs to feed our people or the world. Whatever type of agriculture or permaculture is used it must come from the point of view that it is about food for people and not for profit, or health care ( not sic care) for people and not for profit.
Health Care is back at the top of the Agenda in America and we must push for a return to sanity and push your state and federal legislators to support adding Naturopathy, homeopathy, massage, and oriental forms of healing, or herbal healing, and nutritional counseling for keeping people healthy.
Some one asked, "How can we Transition to a Green Economy without Causing a Recession?"
1. Gradual Subsidy Phase-Out for Fossil Fuels and Agribusiness Year 1–3 : Begin by identifying all direct and indirect subsidies to ...
Methane clathrates (Think of Dry Ice made from Methane) are common constituents of the shallow marine geosphere. Methane hydrate is a pr...
1. Gradual Subsidy Phase-Out for Fossil Fuels and Agribusiness Year 1–3 : Begin by identifying all direct and indirect subsidies to ...
Here is a Candidate survey. Check this out for your local candidates. See what they are saying about the issues, or if they actually care...