Saturday, November 9, 2019

On the issues. Citizens United and the problem of money in the American political system. #MoneyoutofPolitics.

The problem of money in the American political system has brought us the current corrupted situation in Washington D.C. and the problems in our State Legislatures. The Federal Constitution never granted the authority of the Supreme Court to redefine the meaning of words.

    Santa Clara V. Pacific Railroad was a fraud that held that railroad corporations are persons, has been taken to extremes today. Used as a cover for bribery and criminal  actions by Corporations. Buying and selling politicians and laws.
 Corporations are artificial entities created by licence from the state, not persons. It is the responsibility of the state to control the creations of the state.

    Buckley v. Valeo which removed limits on campaign donations from corporations and equated money to speech, began the mud slide that ended with Citizen United in 2010.
Money is money, speech is speech.
If a corporation is a person (Which it is not ) and it can spend as much as it like to influence a particular political race, then it is above the equal protection clause as it relates to real persons. That is "We The People" who are limited to how much we are allowed to spend by the campaign laws. This is just a total royal perversion of the original intent of the founders of our Constitutional Republic.

    Political office and elected or appointed officials are bought and sold, or beholden today to those that have donated to their champaign or their particular political parties. The usury banking and financial, insurance scam, including big pharma were the largest doners in the 2016 election cycle. Much of the political process has become a giant money laundering and bribery system to keep the same corrupted profits going to the same crooked political systems that created this mess we are in. 

     Money is not speech. Corporations are not persons. The Supreme Court has become the enemy of the state and the people.  The Republic invisioned by the founders is at a turning point in the history of the United States. Choose well which side of history to stand on. History has judged other failed republics harshly. 

     Our  republic  and people  are not  artificial entities. Democracy is not a spectator sport, tag your it.  The Representatives in Congress can not read your mind. The future of our families, and the people are depending on what happens in the next few days and weeks.   #MoneyoutofPolitics

1 comment:

  1. My hat is off and over my heart, and the flags are at half mast. My upset and unhappiness are passed. Now I am mostly just pissed off.

    The passing of the Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg this past weekend, is a great loss to our Government and the people of our country.

    Now the same Leadership in the Senate, that refused to consider a replacement for Antinon Scalia for a considerably long time, are insisting on a vote to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg in less than the fourty five days before the next election.

    Her last wish was to not have a replacement for the seat she held on the Supreme Court, be selected until after the next election.

    Let your Senate and Congressional Representatives know that the last wish of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg hopefully be respected.
    The passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg may be a turning point for the continued survival of the Republic and a Government of by and for the people.


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