Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Insurectionist Barred from Office. Yea New Mexico! Is It Time to End The Republican Party?

 Its about time the people behind the January Sixth Insurrection be stopped from running from office. The courts in New Mexico made it official today. I was born and grew up in New Mexico. Both My mom and dad were members of the republican party. The Republicans in New Mexico back then, were more like the Democrats were like in the Clinton era in My opinion. I had a lot of respect for the Republican leadership back then. I do not know what happened to there ideals or morals. Sure hope they can get it together or get of the public stage. They have sold the American people out to the giant corporation or just become fascists.

The New Mexico Democrats were very progressive even back then. More like the Bernie branch of the Democratic party are now. Its time for an all out landslide for the Dems in this Midterm Election. Give the Crazy supporters of the insurrection a few years to cool off and rethink what this country is really about. We might just have to get a new party to replace that crazy type of corruption if they refuse to change.

Saturday, July 30, 2022



Its Time to face the facts that the January Sixth Insurrection attempt was a full on attempted COUP D'ETAT, at the end of a months of planning. Anyone that values a stable U.S. Government will understand that, and anyone who has not been paying attention to this shit show will do well to take the time to see this ongoing disaster in America. The Republican leadership from Team Crazy, as the Trump White House Council Pat Cipollone called them, must never ever ever be allowed to run for or hold office anywhere in America ever again. We are once again at the Most Important Election in the History of the Republic. Listen to this Podcast If you do not have time to Watch the Special. It is from Msnbc Pecock Here.

#CoupPlotter. #JanuarySixth. #Trump. #ElectionTheft. 

#TrumpConspiracy. #AriMelber

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Trumpery and Tyranny? Forced Births or Freedom?


The Super Bowl of Democracy

Trumpery,  noun, plural trump·er·ies. Definition; Old English. something without use or value; rubbish; trash; worthless stuff.

nonsense; twaddle: His usual conversation is pure trumpery.

Archaic. worthless finery.


of little or no value; trifling, worthless; rubbishy; trashy.

I had been lulled into the sense of complacency by the time of the attack on the US capital on January Sixth 2020. I was on edge through most of the elections, and pins and needles from the time the counting started until Pennsylvania was called for Joe Biden. Then the last of the crazy law suits brought by the Trumpsters crazy lawyers.

Many of the politicians and the TV talking heads were saying thatThis is the most important election of our lifetime”, and it was. I can not even imagine how bad it could be now if the Trumpsters were still in the white house. And so is this election. Just like the Super Bowl every year is the most important game of the year. So is the election every year the most important, only it is not a game. This is a contest for the continuation of our country as a functional republic.

We (The USA) survived the attempted coup d'état of the last election of 2020 by the Republican leadership. The sixty three law suits filed to challenge the already certified counts in the several states, that all failed. Then attempts to appoint alternate slates of false electors in several states. The full out assault on the capital on the day to certify the results of all the states elections on January Sixth. The crazy “Forensic” re-recounts in Arizona and several other states. The refusal of the people around the Trump gang to come and testify for the insurrection investigations of the January Sixth Committee, while lying about it out in public media.

This is not over. The Republican Party criminals will not quit, they have to much to loose. Whether it is time in prison, or loss of the giant fat cat bribes. Bribes that are destroying the foundation of the republic and the Constitution, ever since the insane CitizensUnited decision of the Supreme Court in 2010. Vast amounts of untraceable dark money in every kind of local and national political campaign. As our former President Jimmy Carter framed it, “The country has become an oligarchy of unlimited bribery.

The Supreme Court is now way beyond any authority or powers ever granted in Article Three of the US Constitution. They were never granted the authority or ability in the Constitution to define words or redefine words. Plane and simple, Corporations are not People, and Money is not Speech.

Now after years of obstruction of appointments to the courts by Mitch McConnell during the Obama years. Then with the very fast appointment of several extremest Justices to the court in the trump years. Who all committed perjury in the appointment hearings with the Senate. All claiming that Roe v Wade was well settled in law before being confirmed to the court.

There were discussions during the Constitutional Convention and the adoption of the Amendments, to also include medical freedom that document. This did not happen. Even back then, the idea of how important medical freedom was, was very well recognized. Now the fundamental right to medical care by women is in danger of being regulated away or even criminalized by these Republican extremists.


Not just voluntary Abortion, but even to criminalize birth control and

 prevention. No exception for a spontaneous miscarriage of a fetus 

with genetic congenital or other problems. To say nothing of the 

states ready to institute trigger laws that have no exception for rape 

or incest. And then to criminalize women that have gone through 

that. That is beyond crazy, that is amoral, heartless and cruel.

The Republican leadership say they value freedom, say they want to

 protect babies, even before they come out of the uterus, but do not 

want to protect the women. They refuse to support common sense 

gun ownership restrictions, and let thousands of kids die of gun 

violence. Guns are now the number one cause of death in children in

 America, even more than car wrecks.

The words of these Republicans in leadership do not match their 

actions. What is it? What is more important? Money from the gun 

lobby, or to protect our children? Forcing women to carry a child to

 full term even if it kills her? Forced birth or freedom? Which is it?

We are again at the point of the most important election in our life 

time. The Super Bowl of Democracy. Every year is the most 

important election, even the off year elections for governors, mayors

 or school boards. The tyranny of the few crooked oligarchy in the 

Supreme Court and a few hundreds of Republicans in leadership in 

DC, and the several state capitals. We can never allow this to 

continue. End the Republican Party. Never support a republican or 

corporation that supports Republicans and this attack on our country, 

until the ship of state is set aright. They seem to forget the part that 

says “We The People”.

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Republicans; A Tradition of Messing with Texas. #Sold out. #Privatization #Plutocracy.


Its not as if Texas was enough of a mess before this.

A privatized electric grid. A winter disaster that killed many people because of Privatization, Ala Ronald Reagan. Many more died from the Republican designed privatization than the Texas Republican leadership wants to admit..

This is to say nothing about all the damage to the infrastructure in Texas from the lack of electricity during the #Snowmageddon storm.

Now the 2010 census is ready and its time to reapportion the congressional seats for the State and Federal legislatures.

The Republican leadership know they will loose leadership and both houses if they do not cheat and steal the next election. As if that was not enough the Texas Republicans are hoping to remove many people from the voting rolls and make it harder to vote. There are many more dirty tricks up their sleeves with more to come if they can pull it off. The Democratic leadership and other members have left the state and fled to DC to hopefully get some help from the Dems and stop this continuing disaster

I am from New Mexico, and was still living in New Mexico around the time of the 2000 Census. I remember the State Legislature of Texas was in session and the Democratic Party membership of the legislature left the state of Texas to prevent the Republicans for instituting a new Redistricting map for Legislative seats.

Some of the Texan Democratic Legislators showed up in Santa Fe. The governor of Texas said he was going to send the Texas Rangers to find them and Bring them back. Needless to say the Authority's in New Mexico were not real happy about that idea.

There was still some animosity about Texas and New Mexico. Going back to the time of Spain or the Mexican Revolution, The division of lands, by the Federal government. Everything west of the Rio Grande river in New Mexico was considered part of Texas at one time. New Mexico and many New Mexicans still had title to their land that were land grants from the Queen of Spain. There were Families that felt like the Border crossed New Mexico, more that once. The older People used to say “We didn’t cross the border; the border crossed us”

New Mexico has almost always been quite progressive, since there was such a large ethnic mix since before New Mexico was a state. The Spanish, who exterminated, or conquered dozens of Native tribes. The Scots-Irish that did not get land in the time of the Oklahoma land rush gave away a lot of Native Tribal lands to more foreigners. But I digress! I was Thinking about Oligarchy and Tyranny.

We Now have an Oligarchy of Unlimited Bribery of Unlimited, and Headed towards Tyranny of a single party that has no honor or any shame about Lying to keep their Phony Baloney Jobs.

They Think it is about Money and Greed, and the next election to keep getting massive donations from the corrupt corporations and criminals they are bought off by.

Call your Congressional Representatives and Senators.

Tell them its time to Stand on the Progressive side of History.

The Washington Switchboard. #202 224 3121

Let them know you are pissed off

The Wealth, Greed, and Lying must end

See our Business Website at

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

You can not negotiate with a psychopath. That is the problem.

You can not negotiate with a psychopath. Ronald Reagan said, the Government is the problem. The line of thinking pushed by corporatism to justify getting rid of regulations. Why? To make it easier to pillage the commons and the economy, and or abuse the workers.

The psychopath will Attack others for what they are doing. Projecting attack onto others for what you are doing.

Ronald Reagan and George Bush committed treason before being elected, in the perpetration of the Iran Contra Affair.

Richard Nixon committed Treason before he was elected, by interfering with the Viet Nam peace deal that had been set up and negotiated by the Johnson administration.

Al Gore in 1999 failed to call out and name clearly the election as stolen. Call out and name clearly, and then stop the Brooks Brothers Riots, which was planed and organized by Roger Stone, to stop the counting of the ballots. Then the election was stolen by the so called conservative part of the Supreme Court and handed to George Bush Jr on a silver platter. That was just a psychopathic political party testing the waters for stealing future elections. This was setting the stage for future election theft on a grand scale, and to further the cover-up of election theft on a massive scale by Republicans and their operatives.

George W and gang would go on to start wars under false premises, and promote war crimes and human rights violations on a massive scale

Trump was saying the elections were rigged before he was the nominee for the Republicans in 2016.

2016 election was stolen?

No one ever investigated the narrow margins that Trump was elected by in the 2016 general election. Nor the many irregularities and massive voter dis enfranchisement of the 2016 election.

He did loose the popular vote by several millions, and only win by a few thousands in the electoral states that put him in the White House.

Trump was behind those that organized and planed the January 6th attack of the capital in DC. Like a mob boss he suggested criminal activity without actually saying “Pull the trigger”.

Then after the Impeachment trials in the Senate Mitch McConnell comes out and says, Trump was responsible for the attack, after he voted for acquittal? Do you believe in good and evil? You are looking at it. McConnell is also a sociopath, just a more refined type of sociopath than Donald.

Shrinks, that is a psychologist will tell you that you can’t be a shrink until you have lent five bucks to a psychopath. The Republican party lent the party to Trump hoping to get a rich payback. They will never get it back, he is a thief and a murder. He has not admitted remorse for January sixth in DC; and never showed any remorse for the hundreds of thousands of people that have died from the Covid-19 disasters on his watch.

As Professor Noam Chomsky said. The most dangerous organization in the world is the Republican Party

And then the other day after the Impeachment trial is over Donald Makes another MAGA Statement, and saying that the election was stolen? #LyingDonald #THISMUSTEND #TrumpTraitor #EndTheRepublicanparty

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Why the polls were right for the 2020 election. A landslide for Democracy.


If the Republican party really wanted to keep control of the White House they should have stolen more votes and disenfranchised more people.

Ever since the HAVA, the HELP AMERICA VOTE ACT, exit polls have been more and more off. Not because they are wrong, but they are a reflection of corruption of the voting systems in America.

Exit polling was always right! People remember how they voted five minuets ago! They were often within a few tenths of a point.

Will Congress and New President Joe reauthorize, update and enforce the Voting Rights act? Reverse the Right Wing attack in Shelby v. Holder.

Interstate Cross Check has removed millions of legitimately registered voters from the voter rolls in many states across the US. A fundamentally flawed system with many security flaws. Interstate cross check was recently suspended indefinitely in a federal civil rights lawsuit. Why would elected or appointed officials have made it harder for people to vote?

Why would a local increase in drop off locations be stopped by the Governor?

What reason would a Republican governor and an all Republican Texas Supreme Court have for a limited number of drops for ballots in Texas?

Why limiting numbers of polling stations? Waiting for hours in a line in Georgia to vote during a pandemic.

 In spite of all limitations, people came out by the thousands. Democratic areas and areas with larger populations of non-white voters spent much longer in lines. The long lines are by design. Still Voters stood up to defend our system of government.

How many people had to use a provisional ballot that thought they were still on the list of registered voters

Why would so many people think that they are registered that are not?

Greg Palast and Stacy Abrams the former state legislator and candidate for Governor are addressing the problems of voter disenfranchisement head on in Georgia. What about the under vote in this years election.

One runoff for two seats are left in the US Senate and will be secured January 5th.  BlueGeorgiaSenate.Com

Democrats must challenge the Republicans and call their Bluff about Voting Fraud, and Mail in ballots being rigged. Re-institute the Voting Rights Act.

Why are Paper ballots, and fully audit-able voting systems are essential,  to secure future elections

No more electronic systems with no paper trail, and definitely no privately owned and proprietary systems for voting. Call your Representatives, state and federal

Why during the middle of a pandemic and economic disaster, an attack on the US mail system? The wholesale destruction of hundreds of of high speed mail sorting machines and removal of mail boxes ordered by Louis DeJoy.

 Delaying the mail during the biggest mail in vote election in American history. Delaying the delivery of medicine by mail, and damaging commerce and the economy further. Endangering hundreds of thousand of elderly or unhealthy people, and Veterans.

The failed attempt to dis-enfranchise the most populace county in Michigan.

The President #45 going so far as to call elected officials from Michigan and Pennsylvania to DC in an attempt to overturn the legitimate results from the state. Filing dozens of frivolous law suits to challenge the results of the elections. Done mostly in areas of democratic or mostly voters of color.

In spite of this all, the people of America removed Trump from the White House. Time to take Senate seats in the runoff January Fifth. Help secure the continuation of our democracy. Anything you can do to help.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

On the issues. Citizens United and the problem of money in the American political system. #MoneyoutofPolitics.

The problem of money in the American political system has brought us the current corrupted situation in Washington D.C. and the problems in our State Legislatures. The Federal Constitution never granted the authority of the Supreme Court to redefine the meaning of words.

    Santa Clara V. Pacific Railroad was a fraud that held that railroad corporations are persons, has been taken to extremes today. Used as a cover for bribery and criminal  actions by Corporations. Buying and selling politicians and laws.
 Corporations are artificial entities created by licence from the state, not persons. It is the responsibility of the state to control the creations of the state.

    Buckley v. Valeo which removed limits on campaign donations from corporations and equated money to speech, began the mud slide that ended with Citizen United in 2010.
Money is money, speech is speech.
If a corporation is a person (Which it is not ) and it can spend as much as it like to influence a particular political race, then it is above the equal protection clause as it relates to real persons. That is "We The People" who are limited to how much we are allowed to spend by the campaign laws. This is just a total royal perversion of the original intent of the founders of our Constitutional Republic.

    Political office and elected or appointed officials are bought and sold, or beholden today to those that have donated to their champaign or their particular political parties. The usury banking and financial, insurance scam, including big pharma were the largest doners in the 2016 election cycle. Much of the political process has become a giant money laundering and bribery system to keep the same corrupted profits going to the same crooked political systems that created this mess we are in. 

     Money is not speech. Corporations are not persons. The Supreme Court has become the enemy of the state and the people.  The Republic invisioned by the founders is at a turning point in the history of the United States. Choose well which side of history to stand on. History has judged other failed republics harshly. 

     Our  republic  and people  are not  artificial entities. Democracy is not a spectator sport, tag your it.  The Representatives in Congress can not read your mind. The future of our families, and the people are depending on what happens in the next few days and weeks.   #MoneyoutofPolitics

Methane and the Climate Change Problem. Can We Capture and Use it, Moving Away from Fossil Fuels?

  Methane clathrates (Think of Dry Ice made from Methane) are common constituents of the shallow marine geosphere. Methane hydrate is a pr...