Showing posts with label Forced Birth of Freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forced Birth of Freedom. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Treason, Dark Money & the Reversal of Roe. A Long season of Treason. Part One


Treason, Dark Money & the Reversal of Roe. A Long season of Treason.

I was Wondering how we got here?

   Everyone's rights are at risk. The overturning of Roe v Wade is just the start. Then several more decision from the SCOTUS that were all over the map, or were they? Is the beginning of or a continuing agenda by the new conservative majority. A religious autocracy with a majority of one religious view overriding the Constitution.

    Unless “We the People” stop it.

The First Amendment says;


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

    It now looks like some of the Justices do not get what “no law respecting an establishment of religion” or the next part; or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

    There is a fine line, a gray area between the two ideas. That is where most of the courts have made decisions from historically. Most people with any reasonable critical thinking skills would probably understand this gray area. It looks like we have crossed into something like a Theocracy. Half a dozen black robed priests. They say they know what the founding fathers of our nation were thinking at the time of the founding of our republic. A new cult called Original-ism, of Textual-ism. That's all we need is some more weird ISMS. A cult that has taken over the courts, that were put into power by an oligarchy of unlimited bribery. With many of the people who are dead set on ending the great experiment that is our constitutional republic. Ending any form of meaningful democratic participation by we the people.

    Starting before the time of Richard Nixon there have been many instances of Leadership of the Republican party and the Corporations moving towards Fascism and now a form of corrupted corporatist fascism in America. Now it is looking as if the Republican party and much of the supreme court is owned Lock Stock and Barrel by the Corporatists. There was the attempted Coup d'etat by certain capitalists that tried to get the American General Smedley Butler, to over throw then President FDR during the great depression.

    Our current situation is a result of a long string on abuses and usurpation, interconnected by greed, and or a lust for power by many elected and appointed officials and corporate leadership. This increased since the institution of the now discredited Neoliberal Economic Models. Neoliberalism ideology put the control of legitimate functions of government in the hands of the monopolistic corporations, banks, The Military Industrial complex, Drug companies and big pharmaceuticals conglomerates, Agribusiness, Fossil fuel; etc. This made for a vast expansion of corruption inside government. This ideology allowed a massive concentration of wealth beyond even the fortunes of the Robber Barron era.

    The current Problem with an unbalanced Supreme Court really began with the Nixon Administration, and what President Johnson called Treason, that put Nixon in the White House.

    Nixon's people around the now infamous CREEP and others, interfered with the Peace Deal that was being negotiated by the President Johnson administration with the Vietnam Leadership, to delay the end of the war. Conspiring with a foreign power to help win the election. The beginning of a long pattern of conspiring with a foreign power to win the Presidency of the US government. Totally ignoring the US Constitution and the important and legitimate functions of the US government and its laws. By the way Nixon was not Prosecuted, but given a pardon by President Ford

    This gave us the seed change in the Supreme Court, that began with Justice Powell being appointed by Nixon, and an attack on unions and the working class. Author of the Powell Memorandum, and who was a corporate lawyer for the US. Chamber of Commerce. In brief, the Powell Memo called for the Corporations to start funding and influencing elections to benefit candidates that were favorable to corporate interests, and to counter the influence of the labor unions. This put on steroids the greed, and deregulation of corporations that are now considered persons by Supreme Court Decisions, contrary to any kind of common sense or historical understanding. Corporations are not persons and Money is not Speech. This became the foundation of the recent notion that corporations main duty is to their share holders and not the common good of the community or society as a whole.

    Near the end of the 1970s, the Islamic Revolution started in Iran. The Shah of Iran, who was widely perceived as a tyrant and American Puppet or western asset, was overthrown while out of the country. A number of Americans were taken hostage and held. The Carter Administration was negotiating for their release. There were allegations that the Reagan Champaign made a deal to delay the release of hostages until after the election, having the Iranian government keep the American hostages until the election was over. The hostages were released within minuets of the inauguration of Reagan. Then the October Surprise allegations went public.

Then there was the Ronald Reagan -Bush Administration and Iran-Contra.

Trading weapons, running drugs and guns to the Contras in Central America, and weapons to Iran.

Bush the elder was already party to the Treason with Iran that made him Vice President. After eight years of Reagan, George H. W. Bush became president. Then pardons were handed out by the Bush administration, while the investigations were still ongoing.

George H W Bush appointed two Supreme Court Justices. One of them, Clarence Thomas is still on the court writing decisions that look to be very bad for the future of constitutional, or other freedoms in America. This decision by SCOTUS must be at considered, at least in part a violation of the cruel and unusual clause of the #8th Amendment. Thomas is still considered the most Conservative on the court.

When Thomas was Confirmed by the senate, he spoke of Natural Law. According to natural law theory, all people have inherent rights, conferred not by act of legislation, but by the laws of nature and natures god, or by reason and common sense. Where has this notion gone in the reasoning of Justice Thomas?

Can now the state control women, and strip them of control of their own bodies? Put them in prison for having a miscarriage. Have health care denied to them, and abortion, or birth control if they have been raped?

The beginning of blending church and state with evangelical support during the Reagan time moved the non-separation of church and state, into common acceptance by the right wing.

Coming next; The Supreme steals the Presidential election.

Bush V Gore.

George W Bush and the Supreme Court that helped steal an election

AMENDMENT VIII Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.



Here is some entertainment to relax

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Trumpery and Tyranny? Forced Births or Freedom?


The Super Bowl of Democracy

Trumpery,  noun, plural trump·er·ies. Definition; Old English. something without use or value; rubbish; trash; worthless stuff.

nonsense; twaddle: His usual conversation is pure trumpery.

Archaic. worthless finery.


of little or no value; trifling, worthless; rubbishy; trashy.

I had been lulled into the sense of complacency by the time of the attack on the US capital on January Sixth 2020. I was on edge through most of the elections, and pins and needles from the time the counting started until Pennsylvania was called for Joe Biden. Then the last of the crazy law suits brought by the Trumpsters crazy lawyers.

Many of the politicians and the TV talking heads were saying thatThis is the most important election of our lifetime”, and it was. I can not even imagine how bad it could be now if the Trumpsters were still in the white house. And so is this election. Just like the Super Bowl every year is the most important game of the year. So is the election every year the most important, only it is not a game. This is a contest for the continuation of our country as a functional republic.

We (The USA) survived the attempted coup d'état of the last election of 2020 by the Republican leadership. The sixty three law suits filed to challenge the already certified counts in the several states, that all failed. Then attempts to appoint alternate slates of false electors in several states. The full out assault on the capital on the day to certify the results of all the states elections on January Sixth. The crazy “Forensic” re-recounts in Arizona and several other states. The refusal of the people around the Trump gang to come and testify for the insurrection investigations of the January Sixth Committee, while lying about it out in public media.

This is not over. The Republican Party criminals will not quit, they have to much to loose. Whether it is time in prison, or loss of the giant fat cat bribes. Bribes that are destroying the foundation of the republic and the Constitution, ever since the insane CitizensUnited decision of the Supreme Court in 2010. Vast amounts of untraceable dark money in every kind of local and national political campaign. As our former President Jimmy Carter framed it, “The country has become an oligarchy of unlimited bribery.

The Supreme Court is now way beyond any authority or powers ever granted in Article Three of the US Constitution. They were never granted the authority or ability in the Constitution to define words or redefine words. Plane and simple, Corporations are not People, and Money is not Speech.

Now after years of obstruction of appointments to the courts by Mitch McConnell during the Obama years. Then with the very fast appointment of several extremest Justices to the court in the trump years. Who all committed perjury in the appointment hearings with the Senate. All claiming that Roe v Wade was well settled in law before being confirmed to the court.

There were discussions during the Constitutional Convention and the adoption of the Amendments, to also include medical freedom that document. This did not happen. Even back then, the idea of how important medical freedom was, was very well recognized. Now the fundamental right to medical care by women is in danger of being regulated away or even criminalized by these Republican extremists.


Not just voluntary Abortion, but even to criminalize birth control and

 prevention. No exception for a spontaneous miscarriage of a fetus 

with genetic congenital or other problems. To say nothing of the 

states ready to institute trigger laws that have no exception for rape 

or incest. And then to criminalize women that have gone through 

that. That is beyond crazy, that is amoral, heartless and cruel.

The Republican leadership say they value freedom, say they want to

 protect babies, even before they come out of the uterus, but do not 

want to protect the women. They refuse to support common sense 

gun ownership restrictions, and let thousands of kids die of gun 

violence. Guns are now the number one cause of death in children in

 America, even more than car wrecks.

The words of these Republicans in leadership do not match their 

actions. What is it? What is more important? Money from the gun 

lobby, or to protect our children? Forcing women to carry a child to

 full term even if it kills her? Forced birth or freedom? Which is it?

We are again at the point of the most important election in our life 

time. The Super Bowl of Democracy. Every year is the most 

important election, even the off year elections for governors, mayors

 or school boards. The tyranny of the few crooked oligarchy in the 

Supreme Court and a few hundreds of Republicans in leadership in 

DC, and the several state capitals. We can never allow this to 

continue. End the Republican Party. Never support a republican or 

corporation that supports Republicans and this attack on our country, 

until the ship of state is set aright. They seem to forget the part that 

says “We The People”.

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  Methane clathrates (Think of Dry Ice made from Methane) are common constituents of the shallow marine geosphere. Methane hydrate is a pr...