Saturday, October 13, 2012

Alternative Energy 2B or not too Be that is the Question, or is it?

I will start by asking how you feel about some polluted food. What about water to drink or air to breath?
Since before the time of the testing of the first atomic bombs in New Mexico back during WWII the pollution of the Biosphere in the southwest United States has been ongoing. This story on  about the vast history of uranium waste blowing around the beautiful sky and land of the southwest with radiation, do we continue to let this happen, or is it time for us all to admit that more nuclear energy is not the answer.  The fukushima disaster has effectively contaminated the whole pacific ocean and the food coming from it for who knows how long. The radiation that has a short half life is  only a few hundred or a few thousand years and the half life for  plutonium 239,  24,000 years and Plutonium-244 is 80 million years. Is this something to be feeding our children or grand children? disaster

In New Mexico the first nuclear bombs of our age were created and our government has been taken over by a military and industrial complex just like President Eisenhower said in his farewell address to the American people before he left office. In just the ten years since the war started under false pretenses in Iraq and in Afghanistan the US  spent enough money on these wars to make our whole country independent with solar or wind power five to nine times over depending on what mix is used. And another consideration is the loss of so many lives of our young soldiers, and who really knows who many hundreds of thousands of innocent middle eastern people. Just for the control of oil and natural resources? Oh yes and the contamination of more of the middle east with depleted uranium warheads which also have some plutonium in them. If you feel that this is not just a war over oil and natural resources, just check out the Greg Palast Book called Armed Madhouse.  Just check it out, Amazon gave this book five stars and that is not very common for such a book. It is not often that a single book can put all of the seemingly crazy conspiracy theory's to rest, but when there is enough evidence to show that something is actually real, this is one of them.

And now for something that is totally new check out the interview with the creator and founder of the "Earthship Biotecture" movement in the the southwest. Watch the end of the Democracy now section at the end of the show listed above for some of the very best examples of  recycling of water, building and original thinking and low impact housing. Do it for all the living things on our little planet. We must take a stand now while we still can. Please help take back our country and our world. And please share this with as many people as you can.

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