Saturday, January 16, 2021

More than anything, this coup attempt is a war of class. If you are not making millions you're no part of the club.


The History of Violence made American, A Dangerous Moment.

More than anything, this coup attempt is a war of class. If you are not making many millions a year, you are no part of the club.

I understand the point of view of some of the people who attacked the US Capitol on January sixth 2021. The ones that are believers of the lies of a President, a President who even challenged and questioned the validity of the voting process that put him in the White House four years before. Supported by Congressmen and Senators that parroted the lies or twisted the truth, to give some credence to the notion that it was a stolen election. Supported by right wing radio, or TV, like The Fairly Unbalanced gang at Fox, OAN, or News Max. Media that for many years promoted spin or outright falsehoods. Social media that did little or nothing until after the disaster in the halls of Congress. Not that I believe any of that for a second, quite to the contrary. If that is what I actually believed, I would be really mad.

The notion that a The former president Obama was not even an American, who was not born in the US, and therefor not a legitimate candidate, much less elected President. The idea the President Irump pushed, that millions of illegal aliens voted in the last presidential election that put Donald in the White house. The Idea that America was going to the join past Democracy's or Republics of the past, in the dust bin of history. That the Media is totally crooked. That We the people would lose our country, then I would also be very mad.

The Nazis and white nationalists and supremacists, I do not understand, I find totally unacceptable in any form.

The History of America has been riddled with violence since before the time of the Colonization by the Brits and other European powers. Violence does not bring remedies, and if not careful could be a farewell tour.

The so called “Discovery” of America by the Italian Sailor and Captain, began the bloody extermination and enslavement of the natives of the Caribbean and then the main lands. The expeditions financed by the oligarchs and Queen of Spain.

The Brits often used the Divide and Conquer strategy, to overcome a land or a people, “How about You and Him fight”. Our People in America are being played off against each other now, today by and for a new kind of Tyrant.

The Americas and Native Peoples were taken over by brutal tactics and for foreign Oligarchs. The Spanish, the French, The Dutch, the Brits. Now America has created our own class of Oligarchs, and a new class of Tyrant that by a crazy stretch of the old common laws beyond all imagination, and a twisting of the Constitution into a pretzel. A class of tyrant so powerful, it is almost impossible to hold accountable in any court of law.

We have a long history of violence, For Good or Evil ends. Many against our own people, The Conquistadors, the French and Indian wars, Colonization and occupation. The Revolutionary War, The war of 1812, The Civil War, The Indian Wars. The wars against the Unions and the redneck wars, that lead to the time frame of the Robber Barron's and Teddy Roosevelt. Two World Wars. The internal fascist movements in America against FDR. Then moving to expansionism of a new form and foreign wars. The Banana Republic wars and the Spanish American war, Philippine-American War, Korean war, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The internal wars against civil rights movements, against the Peace and Anti-nuke movements, and equal rights for Women, LGBT or inter-sexed people. The new ideological external wars, in central America, Iran Contra wars, wars on drugs in South America and Mexico and inside our country. The Middle and Near East in a fashion of never ending war. Drone wars by remote control as if a video game. For the profit of Corporations and an out of control international Supremacy of the State, and Corporations. Numerous forms of economic warfare, for many reasons, for control of resources and power, or just to preserve a questionable monetary system, unless this might kill the golden goose.

Now another looming internal war, promoted by a lying President who refuses to concede an election that He lost by overwhelming numbers, in spite of receiving the most votes of any republican presidential candidate ever. After losing 64 court battles. Supported by corrupted media that no longer support fact, but play opinions and spin off as “real facts”. Who magnify the lies of dangerous, want to be Oligarchs.

These “Persons” are a new class of tyrant called Corporations. President Eisenhower warned us “Beware of the Military Industrial Congressional complex”. Wars are big business. Now wars for the mining of labor or oil, and resources world wide have become common. Run by stuffed suits in boardrooms or on Wall Street, who steal from everyone in America and the world without ever putting a hand in your pocket.

Corporations that buy and sell our seats for Congressional Representatives or the Senate, Governors and for sure Presidents, and now even local and state governments. Corporations that now have more rights than real living people. These Corporations are now the foundation on which the American fascists stand. Washington and most of the State Governments have been taken over by a new kind of tyrant. Usury Banks, Animal Agriculture and Agribusiness, Fossil fuel corporations, Insurance corporations hand in hand with Big Pharma, the privatization of schools, the privatization of prisons, and to whatever degree our Military. And now the most insidious corporate entity, is the corporate controlled Media, which has become and new international money laundering machine. The only industry mentioned and protected in the Constitution has been subverted by big money.

An economic system that has shipped millions of productive America jobs and American factories overseas, just to profit these new corporate tyrants. Leaving millions of people with little hope for a future, and blaming the losses in the economy on foreigners or dark skinned people. Never admitting that the real problem is the greed of the corporations and the Oligarchy of Big Money.

In an interview with President Jimmy Carter a few years ago, he said that America is no longer a Democracy but an Oligarchy of unlimited bribery. Control must be returned to people and local control, or by counties or states.

When the Donald ran for president, it was a publicity stunt to get more money for the reality show “The Apprentice” and to up grade the Trump brand. The Republicans had been headed to the sell out of America since Ronald Reagan, and regardless of Morals or Principles, and into wholesale corruption since Watergate. The Attack on the Air Traffic Controllers union was a first serious salvo against working people in the early eighties. Trump is just a symptom of the sick system that has sold out the American people for profit. Doing away with controls over Banking and Wall Street, insurance and so called Investments. Turning Wall street and the commodities markets into a glorified gambling casino.

The Corporate Structures and Sold out media, have created these insurrections and sedition we are seeing in America. Created by a Lying President with the enabling of the other Politicians who failed to stand up timely and say that this was not a stolen election. Trump played like he was in it for America or People.

But the real criminal is a form of out of control capitalism that values money and greed over people, and the King Midas corporations that will monetize everything they can and leave nothing for any Real People, the environment, the institutions of federal and state governments, the educational institutions, the infrastructure, and the culture and traditions of America, and the American people. IF you are not making many millions or billions, you are not part of thier plan, but just being used to serve that new class of Tyrant.

Please hit the subscribe button and send us some feed back about what issues you would like to hear about. Blessings to all and please be safe.

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