Friday, April 16, 2021

An attack on the vulnerable and Young

 The absolute insanity of the right wing rethuglicans will not be tolorated. This is criminal.  The governor of arkansas vetoed a terrible bill, and the legislative branch over road the veto. It's an attack on the young and vulnerable. The Republicans leadership have lied the country into wars and economic disasters. A disaster of a pandemic, and an inserection. It's not cancel culture to call a lier a lier. This is a criminal assault on the young ones in our country! #EndtheRepublicanParty Now!

It's time for this shit to end now. The line must be drawn in the sand, and this can not go any further. There is nothing patriotic about the attacks of the young people in this way. The rethuglicans are traitors to the ideals of the republic and the constitution.

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