Saturday, November 9, 2019

On the issues. Citizens United and the problem of money in the American political system. #MoneyoutofPolitics.

The problem of money in the American political system has brought us the current corrupted situation in Washington D.C. and the problems in our State Legislatures. The Federal Constitution never granted the authority of the Supreme Court to redefine the meaning of words.

    Santa Clara V. Pacific Railroad was a fraud that held that railroad corporations are persons, has been taken to extremes today. Used as a cover for bribery and criminal  actions by Corporations. Buying and selling politicians and laws.
 Corporations are artificial entities created by licence from the state, not persons. It is the responsibility of the state to control the creations of the state.

    Buckley v. Valeo which removed limits on campaign donations from corporations and equated money to speech, began the mud slide that ended with Citizen United in 2010.
Money is money, speech is speech.
If a corporation is a person (Which it is not ) and it can spend as much as it like to influence a particular political race, then it is above the equal protection clause as it relates to real persons. That is "We The People" who are limited to how much we are allowed to spend by the campaign laws. This is just a total royal perversion of the original intent of the founders of our Constitutional Republic.

    Political office and elected or appointed officials are bought and sold, or beholden today to those that have donated to their champaign or their particular political parties. The usury banking and financial, insurance scam, including big pharma were the largest doners in the 2016 election cycle. Much of the political process has become a giant money laundering and bribery system to keep the same corrupted profits going to the same crooked political systems that created this mess we are in. 

     Money is not speech. Corporations are not persons. The Supreme Court has become the enemy of the state and the people.  The Republic invisioned by the founders is at a turning point in the history of the United States. Choose well which side of history to stand on. History has judged other failed republics harshly. 

     Our  republic  and people  are not  artificial entities. Democracy is not a spectator sport, tag your it.  The Representatives in Congress can not read your mind. The future of our families, and the people are depending on what happens in the next few days and weeks.   #MoneyoutofPolitics

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

On the issues of Socialism in the US. #Election2020

   In the US we have some of the best Socialism, and the some of the worst forms of Socialism.

 We have Socialism for the people and the benefit of our society.  Things like public schools, and the state university systems. The state university systems were mostly funded by public money until the end of the Seventies. Education is one of the most effective ways to stimulate the economy. The G.I Bill after World War Two is a good example.

The fire departments and water systems. Public highways and transportation systems. The Interstate Highway system.
We have Social Security to keep our elders out of poverty, and surviver  benefits for young people who have lost a parent.
Medicare and Medicaid to provide health care for older folks and younger people in need.

Then there is the affordable Care act, a weird hybrid of Socialism and Corporate for profit capatilism. A mix of both good and bad Socialism. At least it provides health care for many people who would not be able to afford it. This does save money over the long run.

Big Pharma put more money into the election of 2016 than any other industries in the country. They got laws passed during the Bush years to prevent negotiating on prices.

  Then there is Socialism for the benefit of corporations.
Mostly a result of the broken election system that allows the corporations to buy influence and politicians and dump huge amounts of money into the campaign contributions of candidates, as well as PACs or super pacs.
 The Citizens United Supreme Court case that decided that money is speech, and changed the direction of political influence in America for the worse is a disaster for the Republic. This must be overturned, or the Constitution amended. Money is not speech and speech is not money.
   During the financial collapse of '08 the same people that caused the problem were given loans of over seven hundred and fifty billion dollars. Wall Street and the Usury bankers made huge profit from the destruction of the economy. All at the expenses of the regular working class people in the country. This all while hundreds of thousands of families were loosing their homes.
The fossil fuels industries are given billions of dollars in subsidies for polluting the air and water.  Many of them paying little or no tax on the hugh profits, at the expense of the environment and the people, as well as the economy.  The fossil fuels industries would not be able to continue, or to buy the political influence, and get laws passed contrary to what would be considered common sense to most people if it was not for this political influence.

Subsidies to the agriculture and genetic engineering,  chemical engineering part of the economy produce massive amounts of health problems and environmental destruction.
The agriculture and farming industrial complex that treat  growing food like a war, and the only concern is profit are probably the most destructive of all the things we do to our country and the planet.

There are many who claim Socialism is bad or who claim Socialism is good. Socialism is just an economic system. Like any system of economics, it can be used for good and can be used for bad. 
In Natural Law there is the idea of the Golden Mean, the area in between, a middle area of just the right amount of anything. Not too much and not to little. To much money in politics is a problem. Just like to much of anything, to much rain or to little rain, to much food or to little. To much medicine or to little. We are no longer in that area of the Golden Mean in America. Not in economics, not in politics, not in health care and not in   industry. We have to focus on the issues in a way that considers the Golden Mean.
Consider the Golden Mean in America today.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

An attack on EVERYTHING America stands for!

If you value your health, if you value the health of your family, if you value the health of the American economy; the SO called tax bill is up for a vote today in congress. Call your Senator of Congressional representative and tell or ask them to vote no. If you are a student, were a student or plan to be a student in the future this tax scam is bad for America. If you plan to start a business, have a business, or hope to open one in the future this so called tax plan is bad for America. If you would like to see the infrastructure of our country fixed soon, this tax scam is bad for America. If you would like to see the Arctic Wildlife Refuge preserved for future generations of wildlife and people and not opened to oil drilling and fracking, tell your representatives to vote no today. Trickle down economics was tried under past republican administrations like Reagan and Bush and brought the collapse of '08 and almost ended the American form of Political economy. This so called tax plan is a one and one half trillion dollar give away to the now fully fascist Republican party for the people and corporations who buy and sell elected and appointed officials like a kid in a candy store. Like Jimmy Carter said this Government has become an oligarchy of unlimited political bribery. This tax scam could make the financial collapse of 2008 look like a walk in the park.

Monday, April 3, 2017

The Audacity of Hypocrisy.

So you desire the support of the Berners, Claire McCaskill, do this and we can talk. First there must be an admission that the primary was stolen from the Berners and from Senator Sanders in 2016 by the DNC and their agents.  California primary and the Nevada caucus among others  and outright removal of whole precincts from the voting rolls  , were vast disasters to our republic, C-span would be a good place to start since the regular media will not want to talk about this. Real Honesty and moral principles. Maybe the fixing of the primary was not such a good Idea.
Second you must come out in front of congress and start the discussion about the Voter disenfranchisement disaster that stole the general election ...the  Kris W. Kobach Interstate Crosscheck program that removed millions of legally registered voters from the rolls, under the guise of voter fraud. Anyone who voted on a provisional ballot almost certainly had their vote stolen or what is called spoiled by  the county clerks or Secretary of states.
Then we can talk about BIG dirty money in elections, both Dem and Republicans. Then we can talk about the support you would like from the Greenie progressives and the Berners for Progress​.
Hillary was just as much of a crook along with much of the DNC in the theft of the 2016 primary election, as the RNC and the Republican insiders are of the theft of the General Election 2016. It is still unlikely that the fraud that Trump says is real will be found. VP Mike Pence was investigated for voter suppression in Indiana.
While the DNC likes to play itself off as for the working people, they still are mostly corporate Dems who are beholden to big money. The DNC considered Bernie unelectable while the people and the progressive movements loved him.

Now the most dangerous team of Republican crooks in recent history along with President Lying Donald are running (DC) the district of criminals. And they are one of the Richest, and most beholden to Wall street and banking interests.

The Republicans scream about States rights,The Tenth Amendment (Amendment X) stating that the federal government possesses only those powers delegated to it by the United States Constitution. All remaining powers are reserved for the states or the people. But the republicans are working on forcing there agenda on the states. Immigration is Federal under article 1 section 8 clause 4 of the US Constitution. It is up to the Feds and congress to regulate immigration. Not up to the states to enforce, and definitely not the Cities to do this. There is no authority for the federal judiciary to redefine the meaning of words, like in the Citizens United  case; when money was defined as a form of free speech! There is no authority in the constitution for the federal government to force the cities or the states to do the jobs that are the responsibility of Congress to regulate. Nor is there authority to coerce local governments with threats, or by withholding funding.
Similar problems of so called states rights on issues like minimum wages, pollution control, coal mining or toxic waste, and Clean water or air.  

The Republicans Refused to have a vote on Merrick Garland , but now insist that Neil Gorsuch as Supreme Court justice must be voted on as soon as possible.
His past decision are terrible. Mostly against workers and regular people and in favor of corporations and banks. See his decision about the Hobby Lobby case for example.

The Republicans cry foul about being spied on for their corruption during the election or even before, but now they have passed legislation to sell your whole internet history.  No respect for the Fourth amendment. No respect for privacy unless it is theirs.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Tom Price is an American physician and Republican politician who is currently the newest  United States Secretary of Health and Human Services. A privatization advocate who says he thinks the for profit health industry can do health care for the people best. It is obvious that it is best for the profits of  Tom Price.

Scott Pruitt is now head of the EPA, who only a couple months ago said carbon emissions are not "a primary contributor" to global warming. Why would this guy be put in charge of the EPA after he sued the EPA 14 times. Maybe to protect his big money donors that do the polluting?

noun, plural audacities.
boldness or daring, especially with confident or arrogant disregard for personal safety, conventional thought, or other restrictions.
effrontery or insolence; shameless boldness:
His questioner's audacity shocked the lecturer.
Usually, audacities. audacious or particularly bold or daring acts or statements.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The BigLieER President Donald Has attacked the EPA, Veterans, and DAPL and Keystone XXL are back on!!!

The first week  in office the President has come out Full scale against "We the People",  some of the best  of the government programs, and the Media.  If the Five Million (Women's March) people on the streets of America and the World were not enough of a Message it is time for the People in the District of Criminals to wake up. Today the  book 1984 is the surprise Best Seller. A trillion dollar a year government with no moral compass. How about Just a reasonable amount of common sense.
The attack on Vets, The attack and gag order on the EPA. An attack on free speech and the media and the free flow of real information. Attacks on immigrants and DACA. How soon will the next and upcoming attack on Net Neutrality be. In spite of Climate Reality, which the CIA and the Military intelligence say is the most dangerous threat to the planet and all life,  Is it time for some alternative facts. Ok  how about the arctic Methane problem. This is what could be the next extinction level event If this insanity is not stopped.

Be sure too Join or support the National Popular Vote movement, and help do away with the Electoral collage before the next election.

There are many other places to get News besides Faux Newz the fairly unbalanced gang. For those folks who voted for the trump clan and the Demopublicans who do not get it yet; here are some other places to get a different point of view and maybe some perspective on the potential biggest disaster at hand in a now proto Fascist white-house gang. This looks like it could be the BIGGEST mistake ever in the USA. Enough with the BigLieER stuff.
End this insanity.
This time it is for all the Marbles .  We are playing a real and for keeps change for the Better.

Try some of these
face book Free Speech TV.

Link TV.   Or     or


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Like to be the President for all the People! Why Build a wall? Be a Hero and do this.

Brilliant Campaign. Tactics and  and strategy. Ran like a Democrat to beat the Republicans and then picked up some of Bernie to beat Hillary; and then throw in a little Richard Nixon on the side.

I will start by apologizing tor calling you Duh Donald and Lying Donald and orange pumpkin man. It was almost Halloween.
In your Victory speech I heard:
It’s time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans.
 This is great. I hope I am surprised by how good of a President you will be for the people of all of America.   What about all of north America and South America also, and for the whole world for that matter.

I was from New Mexico in the day of Ronnie Reagan and Bill Clinton. I saw what the Free Trade Zone did and the  the reality behind the free trade zones: the mexican maquiladoras.

I saw many a great American company leave New Mexico. There was Levi Strauss, Farah slack, Motorola, and Intel micro chips, and many other.   Also privatization of what was research and development by the Government at Sandia Laboratory and Los Alamos. All of these destroyed what was a very good economy in the Southwest at that time. I also saw the re-do of the immigration laws of the Reagan Administration days that hurt the agriculture industry in south New Mexico. The end of Day labor that came from El Paso every day and went home to the Mexican side of the border each night. A wall will not stop the devastation of the economy in Mexico or in the United States. Getting rid of NAFTA will be a good start. People come here from Mexico because of a lack of Opportunity. A wall might help a little, but walls like locks are to keep honest people honest. There is always another way to get around or under a wall.

Returning to the type of Control of the Commerce by congress as described in the Constitution in Article 1 sec 8 will help restore a healthy economy to the U.S. Also the Methods of the very common sense work of  Alexander Hamilton Report on Manufactures.
 Also a comment from Thom Hartmann.  on Alexander-Hamilton.

Even if it is decided to go ahead with a wall, consider doing this water and energy project as well. I noticed that your daughter came out in support of the Idea of getting serious about dealing with the issue of climate change.  The Military and the Intelligence people in our Government do consider climate among the most important issues to be dealt with from a security stand point. This Project can create tens of thousands of engineering jobs and Millions of other jobs while saving the biosphere. We are all in this together. With all Due Respect to our soon to be President Trump.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Media Malpractice and the 2016 Presidential election.

The only industry mentioned in the Constitution of the united states is the press.
The First Amendment.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

From the start of this election cycle  the corporate media treated this election as if it was a reality show. Bloomberg TV even did a piece for showtime called "THE CIRCUS". They treated The Donald as a Joke and the Bern as an outsider and not a real candidate until the first Democratic debate.

Anyone in the media who is a real old school journalist will know that there is no bad press. You can make fun of or demean people in the press, but there is no bad press just press. It all creates recognition for whoever the party being covered is. How many of the stuffed suits that call themselves press remember the fairness doctrine or the equal time rule.  Even if this has been destroyed ever since the Ronald Reagan days the media has a real and serious responsibility to give open and fair coverage in issues of governing this country even if it is no longer in the statutes of law.

The media did an almost virtual black out of the Senator Sanders campaign for the first six month, until the first Democratic debate. There after it was covered but from a very slanted point of view in my opinion. Same with Senator Rand Paul. Of course there was about two billion dollars of free coverage for the Donald, our now President elect.  Which goes to show there is not such a thing as bad press.  There was about a one hundred to one ratio of coverage of Trump over Senator Sanders in the early part of the election cycle. The Media would have a picture of the empty podium waiting for the Donald to arrive from somewhere while Bernie was giving some of the most important speeches of the election in front of some of the biggest crowds with no major media coverage. The  twenty year corporate consolidation of media and Concentration of media ownership along with treating the importance of honest open press as, "little more than an opportunity" for increased cash flow has been the major cause of the Trump election.  Les Moonves, the head of CBS, says Donald Trump has led to money “rolling in” this election cycle. The media let division-ism take hold in our country in a fact free environment. A Quote from  Daniel Patrick Moynihan — 'You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts.' 

When the media had full information about the theft of the Democratic primary they gave it little or no coverage except for the small or independent media like Link TV, Free speech TV, or PBS  and C-SPAN. But once it was leaked by WIKIleaks it was big time coverage. There was little  or no coverage of  Voter suppression in this election,  no mater if in the primary by democratic party or by the republicans in the general.   Hillary won the Election and Trump the Electoral Collage.  Donald is right that the election is rigged but not the way that he says. No talk about the real problems of Black Box voting. 
Greg Palast the great investigative reporter and author warned of this plan to steal this election long before the vetoing started.

The Worst of the problem in this election was a real lack of coverage of real and very pressing issues, that will effect our country for years and generations to come.  Our election treated like a cult of personality and not the serious amount of thoughtful discussion that an election deserves. No real information on issues so important to the health of our republic and our planet and children as yet unborn.  Issues like Climate, Real and serious talk about the economy and not just more Trickle down BS. Climate change is not a Chinese hoax.When Hillary started talking about how trickle down supply side does not work; Crickets from the media.   Citizens united and BIG Money in this election. Corruption in both DNC and RNC. How about corruption in banking, wall st, and the insurance industry which has just become a branch of the usury banking industry since the end of glass-steagall under Bill Clinton with a lot of help from some republicans. No talk about the need to fully implement a zero carbon electric grid and economy.  Not a thing about the ongoing mess at the Fukushima nuclear reactors.

Senator Bernie Sanders has clearly stated  in his first serious address since the election last week, that We the people the people of the progressive movement will work with Donald on the issues of real import to our country, and shall fight against every form of vile discrimination that was put out in the election cycle. The progressive Movement will fully support the President elect when appropriate. Support the working class and not just a bunch of Wall St fat cats like we have seen running the republicans in the past.

 Be clear that there is plenty of blame to go around. Not just the Media. The DNC stole the primary and nothing from the media. The Demo Leadership better get a clue! The republicans failed to vet the Donald up front when it might have made a difference. The republicans lie almost all the time so when Trump comes in and tells the truth sometimes he make the stuffed suit republicans gang look really stupid. Trump picked up a lot of votes by picking up a lot of Bernie's talking points. I think it was just rhetoric but it worked. We were all played for the fool by both sides. I have not supported a Dem in a long time and would not have if it was not for Bernie.

The fairly unbalanced gang at Fox so called news is just as responsible for Trump as the gang from the so called liberal press pundits like CNN or MSNBC; who gave Trump vast negative press and inflamed the anti establishment sentiment. All this while failing to address any kind of REAL and serious discussion of the most important issues facing us as a country and a people. It is time for every one to accept responsibility for the mess that this election was and do what we can to set the ship of state on an even keel.

Methane and the Climate Change Problem. Can We Capture and Use it, Moving Away from Fossil Fuels?

  Methane clathrates (Think of Dry Ice made from Methane) are common constituents of the shallow marine geosphere. Methane hydrate is a pr...