Showing posts with label Ecological Wisdom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ecological Wisdom. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Communicating with purpose


    Thoughtful and clear communications are the foundation of modern social structures. 

In the coming decade of the 2020s the whole economy of the American continent, and the world as whole, will have to be restructured. 

For the better I hope. And for the highest altruistic and egalitarian purposes.

    Effective communication, to convey ideas or other important information for businesses or pleasure, make reaching goals much easier.

    In the coming years the importance of clearly communicating about the environment, commerce, about social problems and remedies are of utmost importance. 

    Developing and implementing new, or more sustainable and regenerative forms of economy and production are urgent.

     Learning from the best of past types of historical systems that were environmentally sound, while adapting and improving these, for our times and current dilemmas.

    The restructuring of society, either because of the corona virus disaster, economy, or the oncoming changes of climate and environmental collapse, make effective communication much more important.

    We invite all people of good faith to have the willingness to share remedies, to the solutions of our global and national dilemmas. 

       Please feel free to join us in this quest to recreate a regenerative and resilient future.

This little planet was the garden of Eden, and it can be again.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

On the issues. Citizens United and the problem of money in the American political system. #MoneyoutofPolitics.

The problem of money in the American political system has brought us the current corrupted situation in Washington D.C. and the problems in our State Legislatures. The Federal Constitution never granted the authority of the Supreme Court to redefine the meaning of words.

    Santa Clara V. Pacific Railroad was a fraud that held that railroad corporations are persons, has been taken to extremes today. Used as a cover for bribery and criminal  actions by Corporations. Buying and selling politicians and laws.
 Corporations are artificial entities created by licence from the state, not persons. It is the responsibility of the state to control the creations of the state.

    Buckley v. Valeo which removed limits on campaign donations from corporations and equated money to speech, began the mud slide that ended with Citizen United in 2010.
Money is money, speech is speech.
If a corporation is a person (Which it is not ) and it can spend as much as it like to influence a particular political race, then it is above the equal protection clause as it relates to real persons. That is "We The People" who are limited to how much we are allowed to spend by the campaign laws. This is just a total royal perversion of the original intent of the founders of our Constitutional Republic.

    Political office and elected or appointed officials are bought and sold, or beholden today to those that have donated to their champaign or their particular political parties. The usury banking and financial, insurance scam, including big pharma were the largest doners in the 2016 election cycle. Much of the political process has become a giant money laundering and bribery system to keep the same corrupted profits going to the same crooked political systems that created this mess we are in. 

     Money is not speech. Corporations are not persons. The Supreme Court has become the enemy of the state and the people.  The Republic invisioned by the founders is at a turning point in the history of the United States. Choose well which side of history to stand on. History has judged other failed republics harshly. 

     Our  republic  and people  are not  artificial entities. Democracy is not a spectator sport, tag your it.  The Representatives in Congress can not read your mind. The future of our families, and the people are depending on what happens in the next few days and weeks.   #MoneyoutofPolitics

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The BigLieER President Donald Has attacked the EPA, Veterans, and DAPL and Keystone XXL are back on!!!

The first week  in office the President has come out Full scale against "We the People",  some of the best  of the government programs, and the Media.  If the Five Million (Women's March) people on the streets of America and the World were not enough of a Message it is time for the People in the District of Criminals to wake up. Today the  book 1984 is the surprise Best Seller. A trillion dollar a year government with no moral compass. How about Just a reasonable amount of common sense.
The attack on Vets, The attack and gag order on the EPA. An attack on free speech and the media and the free flow of real information. Attacks on immigrants and DACA. How soon will the next and upcoming attack on Net Neutrality be. In spite of Climate Reality, which the CIA and the Military intelligence say is the most dangerous threat to the planet and all life,  Is it time for some alternative facts. Ok  how about the arctic Methane problem. This is what could be the next extinction level event If this insanity is not stopped.

Be sure too Join or support the National Popular Vote movement, and help do away with the Electoral collage before the next election.

There are many other places to get News besides Faux Newz the fairly unbalanced gang. For those folks who voted for the trump clan and the Demopublicans who do not get it yet; here are some other places to get a different point of view and maybe some perspective on the potential biggest disaster at hand in a now proto Fascist white-house gang. This looks like it could be the BIGGEST mistake ever in the USA. Enough with the BigLieER stuff.
End this insanity.
This time it is for all the Marbles .  We are playing a real and for keeps change for the Better.

Try some of these
face book Free Speech TV.

Link TV.   Or     or


Monday, February 1, 2016

There is a winter storm on the Horizon, because it's #Bernado season in Iowa! #FeelTheBern #IowaCaucus

because it's season!

 Noam Chomsky  Renowned academic weighs in on US presidential candidates and their chances, saying elections are "mainly bought", and says Bernie has best policies.                    
Even though Senator Warren has not yet endorsed anyone for this presidential election she stands with Bernie by her words and actions.  Elizabeth Warren on corporate Rigged  Justice.

 So on the issue of open and honest discussion in the election process  Tulsi-Gabbard
 was banned  Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Banned From Democratic Debate.   And then there is Ohio state Senator Nina Turner Who says the future is to important to go from "yes we can" to "no we can't."

On the issue of reparation recently brought up by Ta-Nehisi Coats I must ask "what about reparations to our planet earth," or our Native brothers and sisters who were here before anyone from across the other side of the pond. Then there are other Indigenous Peoples  , all over the planet.  We (As only part native myself.) realize that we must always looked at building alliances, coalitions, or being part of coalitions. We must all stand together. We have a chance to fix this great mess of a Democracy we have today, and get big money, power and greed out of our Democracy.

  Bernie  started with about 3% name recognition last Spring. OOOOHH  #Feelthebern. Bernie just passed the former first lady and Secretary of State in one last poll before tonight's #Iowa caucus.
One very nice Lady was asking me "Why are Republicans so mean."  Don't focus on what we do not want. Focus on what we do hope to have. What we are doing with Bernie is to focus on what we see and have that is good, and what we desire to see become real. Something to have for our children! For Republicans it is focus on fear, or "us against them", and not team work, or what we desire like the Bernie team.
Much is actually hard wiring from a young age. Many just need to be told what to do. About 20-25% of population are "Wired that way" from youth and focus on fear or negative issues. We almost all know those ones that say "Well, There ought to be a law." Vote for your hopes not your fears. We got 'em on the run. #wearebernie. It will take all the help we can get. And thanks to everyone now in advance for all your help.

 Why do people around the world support Bernie?  Because of real issues like Usury Banking.
 170 Economists Endorse Bernie Sanders’ Plan To Reform Wall St. And Rein In Greed.
I found a very old book on Economics at the Thrift store last year. 100 years ago the job of a banker was not even considered an honest or productive part of the labor force. Put an end to #tobigtofail banks.

Berniesanders says people-before-polluters !!!  There is no one main stream candidate like Bernie on the ISSUES. This is my pet issue, environment. I will not even start to rant about this. This has been my main issue ever since the time I  did my first issue signature campaign to save the whales in the Early 1970s.  The Republicans do not even admit that Climate change is real, much less than that it is actually happening; Like a giant ostrich with its head in the sand.  

 Bernie stands up against giving Billions of dollars to the fossil fuel corporations as subsidies while they destroy fresh water and the ocean.   On the issue of climate Naomi Klein  who is a journalist, in her new book, and also a new movie this changes everything.  Naomi addresses the issue that it really is "Capitalism Vs the Environment."  Also very clear is that it is all of us against the giant corporations. This little ball of wax we live on was the garden of Eden and it could be again, however we must stop destroying our own environment. 

On GMOs Bernie makes it very clear, as he does on the issue of Environment. On the other hand our former Secretary of State $hillary not so much.

So to those in the business of GMOs who are already trying to debunk the "Spread of GM mosquito conspiracy theory hurts fight against Zika" Virus,  we respond that it ceases to be a theory once there is enough information to indicate that it is so. You betray yourself by your own action. Like the Kid caught with a hand in the candy jar. "WHO ME, I was just lookin." This is one gun that you can not un-shoot.  We must stop this!! Even if this is just a "Conspiracy Theory" about the GMO mosquito, the continued use of drugs, pesticides and GMOs only aggravates and creates more unforeseen disease and disease resistance.   The World health organization just declared the Zika virus a health emergency.  This along with spreading of multi-drug-resistant bacteria and superbugs from disastrously polluted water. #Feelthebern  Long live Bernie. This is the fight of our lifetimes for all of us!!!
#‎feelthebern2016‬ ‪#‎bernieorbust‬  Viva Bernie 2016  .

Thursday, December 31, 2015

New year floods in Missouri, Illinois, and Congress still has no clue. Happy new year, Love and light and insight to all.

Elected and appointed officials are not likely to come up with a coherent or common sense long range plan to deal with the worsening issues of water on this continent. Some for lack of a real life perspective of the problem. Some influenced by large amounts of money from those that stand to profit from water, and the continuation of the political insanity in America.
 Any way we look at it, it is a giant problem. In 2015 terrible drought from Arkansas to the west coast, Massive floods from Texas to the east coast. 

Giant dams and water systems are not the answer, but a vast continent wide system of local and regional, small and medium water control systems to store, control, move, clean, and use this water, as well as produce electricity to move this water.

Using Hydrodynamic systems, Siphon systems, ram pumps, archimedes pumps,
Also we must refill our water tables. Agricultural systems like permaculture will help slow flooding, along with infiltration ponds and water storage and control systems to move water to the driest places at the time of great rains and floods. 

Micro-hydro Electric systems for pumping water and electricity.
Ram pumps, for moving water up hill. Refilling the water table of the whole continent is of paramount importance.

First to deal with the water problem we must end the destruction of our water, Fracking, tar sand extraction and so on. Agriculture in the style of war, glyphosate herbicide  also called roundup has many problems,  including binding minerals in the body making them unavailable in the process of turning good fats into hormones.   2,4-D which is half of the agent orange defoliant used in the Vietnam war and known to cause cancer.   Atrazine which is know to cause frogs to spontaneously change sex and to cause breast, uterine and testicular cancer, etc. Many are Biocides and, or  cause endocrine disruption, that are destroying our ocean and the health of our people and biosphere generally.  Industrial pollution and plastic going into the oceans. 

We must have
Many vast constructed wetlands on rivers and streams to remove nitrogen, phosphorus and other chemicals and things like plastic, etc, before this water gets to the oceans.

We must come up with a plan to capture as much of the Methane coming out of the permafrost and arctic ocean areas.

Reforestation of the continent from the west to the east. Prevailing wind is mostly from the west in North America in summer.  Trees are a great way to get water in the air and are an excellent way to suck carbon out of the atmosphere.

Regenerative and restorative agriculture systems. Not just sustainable agriculture.

For a great look at water issues world wide see the WaterWired blog.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Do you really care about climate change Mr President?

So Mr President you sounded sincere in your last speech about climate change, you say you care about the issue of climate destabilization?  The remedy is so simple, if we are going to be dealing with solutions and not just problems. The problem of fossil fuel agriculture is destroying or has already destroyed the carbon in the top soil of much of the world. There was ten to twenty feet of top soil over much of North America when the European invaders came across the ocean. 

A return to natural methods of farming like Masanobu Fukuoka or Permaculture based of the principles of founder Bill Mollison can remedy much of the carbon problem in the atmosphere.  Along with the people like Peter Donovan and the soil carbon challenge, or Joel Salatin who was talked about in the Michael pollen book Omnivores Dilemma we can start to remove much of the carbon from the air . The work of  John Liu in the ending of desertification is a very good example of what can be done with natural methods of  agriculture.

This is just a start. We also have to start moving to producing as much energy from non carbon sources. Wind, Solar and of course one of the best of these is Hydroelectric. Not giant dams like the past but hundreds or thousands  of small micro hydro systems in every county and hundreds of thousands in every state in North America. This will not only create energy independence, but millions of jobs. It will also end much of the need for an upgraded smart grid because so much power is created locally. This little ball of wax we call earth was the garden of Eden, and it can and will be again, with a little help from our friends.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

We must create incentive for creation of clean water, energy and food.

So on the Issue of environment and climate change?  That is a vast and complicated issue.  Events/Conservatives-Discuss-Conservation-and-the-Environment
A conference Tuesday Jan 8th, on environment by conservation leadership council about issues on c-span covered many problems facing us in the next few decades. Much of what is addressed in this piece must be addressed in a timely fashion before it is to late. Many of our problems must be dealt with at a continental and international level. Climate change and instability in our weather are well recognized  as something that does and will effect us all. We must  create incentive for creation of clean water, energy and food.
This conference covers many issues, however there is a real lack of proposals and concrete time frames for dealing with the problems. We must move forward now and in a timely fashion to get ahead of this problem. We can make this a time of great opportunity if we make our government and private industry deal with this issue. You can vote with your dollars. Support earth friendly choices in everything you can with your dollars spent. Make sure to recycle. Work against elected officials that will not support this happening, and support ones that will.
 The lack of vision of those people in power, or their lack of willingness to not ignore the reality of these issues must be dealt with, make them listen or get rid of them.

Here are a couple of links on this issue, one from the weather channel.
and one from Democracy Now on the Records set in the heat wave in Australia.

Some Officials are now starting to admit that this is the New Normal, or the new abnormal would be a better way to put it!
So here is a proposal on the issue of methane release in the Arctic. There are giant vents that have formed in the arctic ocean shelf. We need large ships with giant hoods on the ocean to start storing and pumping this for use. This needs to be done on land in areas that are out gassing also, to whatever degree is possible. This will be a huge engineering project, but something we can do as a serious step to break this cycle of carbon buildup and climate change. Could this be part of a remedy to a worst case scenario.
These methods will at least slow the amount going into the Biosphere. It is a better solution than the Hydro fracking that is destroying much of the water tables in other areas.
Is much of what Jim Hansen said back in 1988  mild by comparison to what we now see on the horizon. Do your elected officials even address this situation? What can you do to change this situation of to little to late, Now?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Well is it time for the GOP to leave town and not come back, yet?

So the Fiscal Cliff is really more like a fiscal skateboard ramp, it was mostly just for show. Congress and the House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) did not address the Debit ceiling, or even the issue of aid for the people and states on the east coast that were devastated by the Super-storm Sandy. If anyone in the Republican party has any balls, it is time to stand up and do what is good for the country; or get off the stage of public politics. Will they try to hold the country hostage to the debit ceiling again like two summers ago, when the dollars value and the country's credit rating was downgraded? If this insanity continues our country will go off  the cliff into the dust bin of history. Even Chris Christie  (Gov, NJ) was out front and said SHAME ON YOU when it came to relief for the Sandy Super-storm

It is not about left and right; It is about right and wrong, and They forgot about that and they forgot about us.
They think it is about money and the next election, and this election has only been over for two months. What happened to the idea of common sense in government, or is that an oxymoron? Is it time for the Democtatic Party to take the right in politics away from the Republicans, and make room for some real progressives on the left?
Almost no one in the Republican party acts like they have any common sense. Like to stay in politics Republicans? Show that you have some common sense and some intestinal fortitude. Otherwise get of the stage and make some room for someone who has not sold their birthright for a bowl of soup!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Gun violence, SSRI Drugs, Media and Our Kids, Do we Care?

That is a rhetorical question. Everyone cares to some degree about our young people. Is the issue guns, or violence in our country? Is it both, and what about drugs?  Even Faux news, you know the fairly unbalanced guys, that speak the language of hate must care to some degree. Even the so called liberal media do not really address the issue of our kids being treated like little cogs in a machine, and given drugs like candy; instead of the kind care little people and big people deserve in a real civil society. Well do the psychologists really provide therapy? Are we going to have a real discussion about violence and/ or drugs in our country, or will we just continue to push this issue down the road like so many really pressing issues in our country today? Do we care enough about out little people to really tackle this issue?    Congress must Investigate SSRI antidepressants and Mass violence Sign the petition.

Can we in good faith allow our elected and appointed officials or the drug companies (Drug industrial complex) to feed our kids full of drugs? Many of the mass murders are done by people who have been given this class of SSRI antidepressants by some kind of doctor. The medical drug complex are part of the problem. Instead of dealing with the real issues it is about money. Like the great investigative reporter Greg Palast said "It is about the money".    

This site is from a guest on coast to coast am. com at 
 The Medical, Big Pharma, insurance Complex and the FDA have not addressed this issue while the big money still flows from these Drugs.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Sure glad to see that Governor Christi Woke UP

So I have still not seen The President talk about climate change, but I was sure glad to Gov Christie
working with the President after that giant disaster. Lets see both of these elected officials come out and talk about this mess and some serious talk about climate change, and also not privatizing important functions of government. There is not a corporation on the planet that could handle a mess like we have on the right coast now. FEMA and those people in charge are there for a reason and that is to serve the people who put them in office there. Privatization is not the answer and we know this to be so. I know a lot of people that might support our President and Gov Christie if they would just show some common sense on this issues of privatization of needed functions of government,  and on the issue of climate change. That includes people from the Green party and the Libertarian party as well!

Thanks Guys.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Alternative Energy 2B or not too Be that is the Question, or is it?

I will start by asking how you feel about some polluted food. What about water to drink or air to breath?
Since before the time of the testing of the first atomic bombs in New Mexico back during WWII the pollution of the Biosphere in the southwest United States has been ongoing. This story on  about the vast history of uranium waste blowing around the beautiful sky and land of the southwest with radiation, do we continue to let this happen, or is it time for us all to admit that more nuclear energy is not the answer.  The fukushima disaster has effectively contaminated the whole pacific ocean and the food coming from it for who knows how long. The radiation that has a short half life is  only a few hundred or a few thousand years and the half life for  plutonium 239,  24,000 years and Plutonium-244 is 80 million years. Is this something to be feeding our children or grand children? disaster

In New Mexico the first nuclear bombs of our age were created and our government has been taken over by a military and industrial complex just like President Eisenhower said in his farewell address to the American people before he left office. In just the ten years since the war started under false pretenses in Iraq and in Afghanistan the US  spent enough money on these wars to make our whole country independent with solar or wind power five to nine times over depending on what mix is used. And another consideration is the loss of so many lives of our young soldiers, and who really knows who many hundreds of thousands of innocent middle eastern people. Just for the control of oil and natural resources? Oh yes and the contamination of more of the middle east with depleted uranium warheads which also have some plutonium in them. If you feel that this is not just a war over oil and natural resources, just check out the Greg Palast Book called Armed Madhouse.  Just check it out, Amazon gave this book five stars and that is not very common for such a book. It is not often that a single book can put all of the seemingly crazy conspiracy theory's to rest, but when there is enough evidence to show that something is actually real, this is one of them.

And now for something that is totally new check out the interview with the creator and founder of the "Earthship Biotecture" movement in the the southwest. Watch the end of the Democracy now section at the end of the show listed above for some of the very best examples of  recycling of water, building and original thinking and low impact housing. Do it for all the living things on our little planet. We must take a stand now while we still can. Please help take back our country and our world. And please share this with as many people as you can.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Alternative energy and water #2

So today on , I heard a story about the protests to stop use of tar sands for the production of oil in Utah. So called Clean coal, hydro fracking and tar sand are some of the biggest users and polluters of water and no amount of PR about how good it is will change that.

 There are many better, cleaner ways to produce clean energy that do not destroy our Mother Earth. Here is a you tube video that of just one of many about clean energy. This awesome man Sir Charles has been on Coast to Coast am several times, and this is a very simple system to produce electricity and makes hot water as a by product.Very simple and  efficient.

It has come to my attention that the chem-trails that are being sprayed on us and into the environment are full of aluminum, barium, and strontium.  There is a whole forest in the area of MT Shasta in California that the trees are dyeing off. . These Metals  in the chemtrails make the PH of the soil wick moisture back out of the plant or slow the uptake in a way that many of them will die. To many of those that say this is a conspiracy theory, I say that it ceases to be a theory if there is enough evidence to support that it is no longer a theory. Let your congressman know that you are tired of this destruction of the land and sky. This not only pollutes the land but also the water and us as well. Please share this information with all your friends if you care about or planet.

We are part of the Biosphere and the Biosphere is part of us. We must take care of the earth if we are to continue to take care of ourselves. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Alternative energy and water during a time of rapid climate destabilization.

There has been talk of an comprehensive plan for energy in this country since the days of Jimmy Carter. Since the first Arab oil embargo and the first fake oil shortage, and still have seen no real vision of turning the whole country and most of America to a green economy. How do we deflate the carbon Fossil Fuel Bubble  without collapsing the world economy? So I am going to take a stab in that direction and see if we can make some of this stick. This is the single most pressing issue except maybe the corrupt private banking system called the World Bank and the Federal Reserve banking system. Money in Politics and the buying of elected and appointed official must end. Citizen United must be overturned

This might sound like a conspiracy theory to some of the more conservative people who read this, but let me ask one question of everyone before I start on Energy and water.  No one said anything about the vast amount of money going to foreign countries for imported petroleum this past presidential election.

The main and most important reason for moving as fast as possible to a fully green economy for our self in America and the rest of the world too, is that we must preserve the environment. Not only do we live in it but it is in us. We breath it, we eat it through our food and water. We take a bath in it from the air, our skin lets toxins out and also takes them in. Using the best Ideas from Permaculture and Biodynamic agriculture it is still possible to pull this iron out of the fire.
I got to meet Bill Mollison at the First conference on developing a planetary village on Whidbey Island in the early eighty's. He said the most important thing to learning Permaculture is to be observant. I am very encouraged by the young people of our current days. We can do this, it will take participation at every level of participation. Educational, social, political, spiritual, environmental and economic.  Now is the time for all good people to stand up on the right side of history.

 I knew it was bad with record temperatures here in the mid-south all year, but this is not the only one that is saying we are near the tipping point. So please help get this word out to every elected and appointed officials you know and all of your friends that will listen. I care so much about my kids and grand kids, and all my other friends and family, and I hope and pray most all of you do too. I love this world and everyone in it, even the people I am pissed off at. Now is the time to create the Next System.

Wind power and solar are pretty simple and well known and very efficient if the power is not far from the point of use. If it is very far away a lot of energy is lost in transmission to point of use. Same with everything going through a regular power grid. There are some new and very exciting types of solar that are not talked about by the regular corporate media, and that are becoming very cost effective.

Why would I put Water  in the title of this article with energy besides to talk Hydro electric.  We need to start purifying as much water as we can before it gets to the oceans. Small and large passive constructed wetland systems on the way to the ocean or just to refill the water tables and store it underground.The reason is that one of the most important places that greenhouse gases are stored on our planet is in our oceans and seas and they may be dying soon if we do not work fast. How do you feel about seafood? This does not even include the fukushima disaster and the problems that come with it.

Hydroelectric must be set up in as many places as we can do efficiently, and as soon as possible to start moving water to and from the driest and places on the continent. This needs to be a two way system so that when it is flooding in one part of the country it can move water to where it is dry. Thousands in every county starting where it is wettest. We do not have any lack of clean water, we have a lack of water utilization systems. Not giant dams like the one at Glen canyon that created lake Powell or Hoover dam. We must build hundreds or thousands of small micro-hydro systems  or small water wheels, in every county in the country and hundreds of thousands in every state of the union. The Waterotor can be used in the low flow areas or bays and cuts between islands. Giant projects must be avoided. A more decentralized system; but  something like the original North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA). 

  It just falls from the sky; all the water we can use, sometimes too much or too little.  The only places that should be exempt are the places like wet lands that will be damaged by even a small bypass of water for hydro electric.  Even if we end up with a small gain of electricity or even a small loss until we have refilled the water tables. With a nationwide water and hydroelectric system, we preserve lots of good clean water or dirty water we can purify. Thousands of small ponds to store and utilize this water, and to rebuild the tilth and fertility of the soil. There is no better place to store carbon than in good fertile soil. This will help also prevent more destruction and very costly rebuilding or reclamation of large areas. Even if oil and gas pipe lines are still being built, this water system must be built if we are to stop this now very real climate disaster in the making.

We must start planting and replanting trees all over the planet. Trees and vegetation are one of the most efficient ways to sequester and store carbon in a solid form. We must start at the west coast as soon as we can with millions of trees. There is no better way to move water inland than the tree, and it stores CO2 while it does this. When the weather is in a normal summer pattern the prevailing wind is from west to east and moves this water to the east.

Grass fed agriculture. How does this fit with energy and water. When we have a drought, land that has been grown on chemicals die much sooner than land and pasture that is grown with natural fertilizer. Grass fed land, even if it is not from grazing animals, but done with regular grass and leaf compost will store much more carbon than any land fed chemical fertilizer.  Regular NPK fertilizer is one of the major reasons for the fifteen thousand square kilometer dead zone that is killing the Gulf of Mexico now. A major reason to purify as much water as we can before it gets to the coast.(This dead zone has increased over the past few years.)

The creation of vast man made wetlands and bypasses of rivers and streams to clean water before it reaches the ocean will be of utmost importance. Healthy wetlands and ponds can also produce a  lot of food and store nutrition that can be added to other soils for agriculture or even better systems like aquaculture and Permaculture.

So about the fraud of clean coal and so called abundant and cheep natural gas from Hydraulic fracturing.  Coal is not cheep or clean. and even worse if you consider the vast amount of water and land totally destroyed from these processes. Fracking is a disaster and now banned in many areas. I was born and raised in New Mexico and Lived in Kentucky, and I have seen what this has done to these beautiful lands and the water. Check this out on the internet if you do not know, and see if you are mad enough to call your legislators and chew them out; Or ask them nice.

 We must also come up with a plan to Capture as much of the Methane starting to come out of the Permafrost and along the continental shelf. It makes the oceans more acid and has a very bad effect in the atmosphere. Even if we start with something like big upside down umbrella type systems connected to a storage tank with a compressing system or similar type systems on a boat or ship in the ocean. Methane has many uses and just comes out of the ground. For energy in agriculture or other uses. I get a bad feeling that We do not have long to get our act together, so now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of our planet.

Contact your Legislators, local or national.
We can make a difference if we work together!

This was the Garden of Eden once and it can be again!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Ten Key Values of The Green Party OF Arkansas

I have been involved with the Green Party for the last four election cycles. I have the Utmost respect tor the Principles that they stand for. This is the Arkansas Green party web site . just click on the ten principles on the ten key values for a preview. I will talk about the  libertarian party in a few days after I finish the ten principles.

As is well known the one Issue that effects us all is the issue of environment, and the issue the Green Party hold near or at the top of the issues in every election. We are in the environment and it is in us, we breath it in, our food grows in it, we drink it and our young people and babies play and breath in it.  So I will put this at the top of this list of key values that I will be discussing over the rest of this campaign season and into the time before the new people that are elected take office in January of 2013. If we want to change the direction of our country and our world we must push all of our elected and appointed officials to listen to us. This means we must contact them often and consistently until the do actually start to listen to us, no matter how much money they have taken from the giant corporations. The Green Party does not take money from any corporations. Do you feel that your Representatives do represent you? Please help us take back our country while we still can do this peacefully,

I will Start with the issue of environment in the next couple of days and this is a general outline of issues related to energy and sustainability.
Water, Hydro electricity and clean water, the fraud behind clean coal and cheep coal and other fossil fuels.
Solar power and free energy.
Wind power etc.
Hi, My name is Bill.
Just a question to start. How do you feel about the political scene in our country this year.

So a little Info about Me before I start. I have been involved in the activist movement since back in the late Seventies, in the early days of the stop the wipp project.
And 80's when Congressman Ron Paul was the Presidential candidate for the Libertarians. I was part of the Fully Informed Jury Amendment movement then. I have worked with Dem's, Greens, Libertarians, Unions and many issue campaigns. I did the campaign to amend the state Constitution of Colorado with the libertarians  in twenty ten on the issue of Obama Care as it is now called. Three of the last four Green Party of Arkansas campaigns to get ballot access.  I have also worked with Move On, Voter Outreach, and Working America. I have never worked for the Republicans but I might  have this year if they had let Ron Paul or the now libertarian candidate Governor Gary Johnson get up and have a fair voice in the Debates this year.  Gary Johnson Did not even get to talk in any of the Republicon debates. That is enough for now, I will not bore anyone with more past info, but thanks for your checking us out her at progressive political consultants.

Thanks so much.
Bill Bradshaw.

Methane and the Climate Change Problem. Can We Capture and Use it, Moving Away from Fossil Fuels?

  Methane clathrates (Think of Dry Ice made from Methane) are common constituents of the shallow marine geosphere. Methane hydrate is a pr...